#Cryptocurrency #exchange #KYC ("Know Your Customer") is unethical and disgusting. Should be illegal (the opposite of required). Exchanges have access to most of your cryto financial #data. We should (have) never let them pair that data with real life identifying information. They abuse everyone's #privacy. They shouldn't fuck up everyone's human rights just because of some fake "news" of some "criminals" using cryptos; that's not our problem. Cryptocurrency should be anonym and more private. More cryptocurrencies should implement privacy features.
@dialyzer I agree with the sentiment but its disingenuous to pretend crypto isn't valuable to criminals. In fact, if you believe that crypto is a useful alternative to the financial system that allows people to transact without oversight it is necessarily useful to criminals. This is not even a necessarily bad thing, as a criminal might simply be someone with the wrong opinion in a despotic country.