A little something different from my #NerdStitch archives. Prince of Persia from the Apple II, I recreated the main character running animation in 8 frames of cross stitch and then attached them to a hand crank flip book kit to make it go.
hey look, an actually useful orange-site comment, about HP ink cartridge hardware hacking
"Put a resistor, about 1kohm, in the power line to the security chip on the cartridge.
Now, whenever the printer tries to read data from the chip, it works. Whenever it tries to record data to the chip (for example, marking the cartridge as empty), that uses more power, and the memory chip doesn't respond.
Amazingly, the whole setup just works and prints forever, saying the cartridges are always full... "
Heads up 99%.
Whenever someone from a think tank talks about “the economy”, mentally insert the words “rich people’s yacht money” into the sentence.
We can’t provide free healthcare, because it might harm rich people’s yacht money.
Nurses are going to have to feed themselves from food banks in order to protect rich people’s yacht money.
We’ve decided to let kids work in slaughter houses to help boost rich people’s yacht money.
It works every time. Give it a try.
English has two different terms for words that come into English from other languages. A 'calque' is translated from the source language. (E.g., flea market, beer garden, paper tiger) A 'loanword' is ported in its original form. (E.g., cafe, bazaar, kindergarten) Perhaps ironically, the word 'calque' is a loanword, while 'loanword' is a calque (from Ger. 'lehnwort').
When a #RIFA cap feels threatened, it fans out it's plumage to make itself look bigger.
In 1985, Digital Research released their GEM desktop for PCs and the Atari ST. Apple didn't like that, claiming that it was a bit too close in look-and-feel to their operating system. Trouble is, they'd taken inspiration from someone else... Story time!
For all you non-native English speakers out there, “read” is pronounced like “lead”, and “read” is pronounced like “lead”.
1990s web experience
- Open site in browser
- Watch framework of site gradually appear
- Start reading site text
- View images once they load
- Click a hyperlink to more information on the thing you're looking for
2020s web experience
- Open site in browser
- Wait for Cloudflare to verify you aren't a bot
- Wait for background movie to load
- Dismiss cookie popup
- Decline to subscribe to their mailing list
- Decline to speak to a chatbot that promises it's a human
- Scroll infinitely looking for the information you want that's probably not there since it's all generated text intended for other robots to read anyway
It was pretty obvious, that this would be but just noting that the Fediverse outlived the Metaverse.
Even with untold billions of dollars and multiple big tech entities pushing it, the Metaverse didn't live much past 3 years old.
At least in this incarnation.
Ich sehe den #AtomAusstieg mit gemischten Gefühlen: es ist gut, diese Technologie nicht gegen den deutlich (und seit langem) artikulierten Willen des Souveräns weiterzubetreiben. Es wäre aus vielen Gründen Humbug, jetzt noch kurzfristig weiter zu verlängern. Ich ärgere mich über die Opposition, die den Ausstieg erst auf die denkbar schlechteste Art beschließt
kill -9, the song, the legend
KI-Debatte: "ChatGPT ist kein Zivilisationsbruch"
Brauchen wir ein Moratorium für große KI-Modelle? Der offene Brief des "Future of Life"-Institus entfachte eine Kontroverse. So ordnet die Fachwelt ihn ein.
#ChatGPT #KünstlicheIntelligenz #MachineLearning #Microsoft #Regulierung #news
Entscheidende Technologien, wie #Torrent wurden wegen Urheberrecht regelrecht illegalisiert und in ihrer Anwendung stark ausgebremst. Da wundert es schon, weshalb #Urheberrecht bei ChatGPT und Bild-KIs jetzt so gar keine Rolle zu spielen scheint.
If wages aren't allowed to rise faster than inflation in a growing economy, that mathematically guarantees increasing inequality. The wealth goes somewhere.
Interessanter Ländervergleich zu Mathe-Prüfungen. Spoiler: wir kommen nicht gut weg.
2. März 2010 (heute vor 13 Jahren). Das Bundesverfassungsgericht kippt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung. Erstaunlich, dass wir heute immer noch gehen Vorratsdatenspeicherungen kämpfen müssen.