@robryk @freemo The grammar is indeed very different, but they imported lots of characters for their meaning but used their own pronunciation. On the other hand, there are different readings and kanji sometimes are used for their original chinese pronunciation. It is said that the Japanese writing system is one of the most complicated ones in existence.
Recherchieren am Limit bei @heiseonline 😂 "Weil so viele Schreiben automatisiert verschickt wurden, forderte Z. sogar von Hildegard von Bingen Schadenersatz. Die Klosterfrau lebte von 1098 bis 1179 in der heutigen Rheinland-Pfalz. Recherchen heise onlines haben keinen Hinweis erbracht, dass von Bingen für eine österreichische Webseite mit Google Fonts verantwortlich ist. Nicht eruiert haben wir, ob eines ihrer Kräuter gegen Z.s Unwohlsein helfen könnte." https://www.heise.de/news/Google-Fonts-Abmahnung-Hotel-erwirkt-virtuelles-Hausverbot-9675807.html
Ich wäre definitiv in den 87% gewesen!
Troy Hunt: Thanks FedEx, This is Why we Keep Getting Phished
#dhl informiert mich per Mail darüber, dass eine Sendung zurückgeschickt wird, die ich erwarte. Bezüglich der Gründe wird überaus hilfreich auf eine FAQ verwiesen, welche allgemeine/mögliche Gründe auflistet. Eine telefonische Nachfrage (bei der ich sicherlich 10x die ellenlange Sendungsnummer angeben musste) ergibt, die Sendung sei mangels Postnummer nicht zustellbar. Offenbar bin ich aber ja als Empfänger bekannt, die Sendung erscheint auch in der DHL App. Aber nein, ändern könne man da nichts, sie wird jetzt nach Schweden zurückgeschickt.
Human healthcare is the ultimate "reverse engineering" project. And the system comes with no documentation whatsoever.
God, that's a great way of describing this new Dropbox mandatory-opt-in AI decision:
"Your unpublished drafts become somebody else's autocomplete."
I mean why bother waiting until something's been published to scrape it as training data if you're just gonna steal it either way?
I feel like linkedin islike that ex who is obsessed with you so they just keep sending you messages every day and you dont even know she still exists cause you had all her shit redirected to the spam folder since you broke up.
Meanwhile Twitter/X is like that ex who gets hooked on meth and you just feel sad for them but keep your distance more cause your scared for your life.
To protect your privacy and shield yourself against 0-days and malicious advertisers, an adblocker is an important part of your security stance.
The FBI, NSA, CISA, and UK National Cyber Security Centre all recommend adblocking as a protective measure.
You'd never disable your firewall or antivirus because a site asked you to. NEVER DO THIS WITH YOUR ADBLOCKER.
That's the only pertinent point here. Everything else is noise.
One backup actually means zero.
@RestlessLipSyndrome @davidho I very much dislike the spin of mapping the stupid decisions of Bob the CEO of giving Linda an IT environment where simply opening up #email attachments or URLs - which is part if her job - may cause the whole company get hacked.
We #IT #security professionals need to fix that spin that clearly supports the megacorps selling insecure crap instead of investing in real-world security.
#Malware #Ransomware #Microsoft #Exchange #Outlook #Sharepoint #ActiveDirectory
The year is 2030.
Computers boot directly into the browser. IDEs are just a web app now, running in the GPU. No one knows why. Or how.
All programs run in 4 nested containers on top of a hypervisor abstracting over the 5 major computational clouds. The last time a branch was predicted correctly, in any CPU anywhere, was 4 years ago.
Cloud costs are withdrawn directly from your retirement fund.
Ext7 just came out, it's written in Javascript and uses AI to guess what the file may contain.