Atlantic Council is funded primarily by the US, UK, and UAE (and previously Saudi Arabia), including NATO, Fossil Fuel Corporations, not to forget arms manufacturers, as trump said 'You Do Have a Military-Industrial Complex. They Do Like War.' SO NOT surprising its warmongering Iran "experts" ...Fake (like its Syria regime-change "experts was a Fake and...)
Atlantic Council--in lieu of serious political and historical analysis of Iran and the Diaspora has a person with no good academic qualifications (basic language be the referee) as the head of "future of Iran" project. You only need few NINCOMPOOPS to start another war and kill few more millions...racism is a sickness a very serious one. Warmongers 17 06 2019 FD
Adam Schiff supports war with Iran as trump said 'You Do Have a Military-Industrial Complex. They Do Like War.' SO NOT surprising photo Adam Schiff