Barry Grossman 5hrs.
I am no fan of the right wing, xenophobic governments in Poland and Hungary; but if countries like France are permitted to harp on about their core, defining national values being inconsistent with stopping outfits like Charlie Hedbo from insulting the world's 1.7 billion Muslims by publishing images that are gratuitously and intentionally blasphemous, then why should Poland and Hungary not be permitted to take the position that abortion on demand and promoting Transgenderism and Homosexuality are inconsistent with their long standing, core national values?
In my opinion, for what it's worth, the lunatic fringe liberals in the EU Parliament who have tried to portray the Polish and Hungarian positions as being about commitment to the rule-of-law could not be more dishonest or hypocritical.
Then there's the not so small matter of the rule-of-law having been killed off as an inconvenient nicety long ago. FULL NEWS AND VIEWS 75% 25&%