Presentation Responsible Modelling and Forecasting, Course SGD 207, Realfagbygget, Bergen, November 19, 2024, Andrea Saltelli. Slides: Omini di burro. Scuole e università al Paese dei Balocchi dell’IA generativa
Un articolo scientifico di daniela tafani, prezioso, ricco di spunti di riflessioni e di verità tanto evidenti quanto nascoste.
Il testo demistifica le "credenze" relative alla presunta intelligenza dei sof...
Hope the press remains as interested when LLMs become school content gateways to knowledge formation under the latest Microsoft and Google AI tutor plans
Ecco il riassunto operativo della nostra conferenza sull'attuazione di #COARA in Italia #aisa_bo2024 (
A study that confirms what I’ve been suspecting for a while: fine-tuning a #LLM with new knowledge increases its tendency to hallucinate.
If the new knowledge wasn’t provided in the original training set, then the model has to shift its weights from their previous optimal state to a new state that has to accommodate both the previous and new knowledge - and it may not necessarily be optimal.
Without a new validation round against the whole previous cross-validation and test sets, that’s just likely to increase the chances for the model to go off the tangent.
#Google #monopoly #SALAMI (#AI), inner #enshittification "Google is using artificial intelligence to summarize employee comments and questions for the forum": More at @dt
@smaurizi Gli studenti che protestano si espongono,fra l'altro, alla schedatura #NSA visto che le università li hanno esposti e li espongono sistematicamente a posta elettronica, teledidattica e altri servizi in mano a oligopolisti statunitensi (#GAFAM). Anche in questo le loro università li hanno traditi
"The tech industry’s ethos is: If it’s doable, it is necessary. But for educators, that has to be an actual question: Is this necessary?... Is doing it this way good, or could we do it another way that would be better? Better in the ethical sense and the pedagogical sense"
Dopo il mio pezzo su Guido Calogero dello scorso dicembre, Morcelliana Scholé mi ha proposto di curare e introdurre una raccolta degli scritti scolastici del filosofo romano. Ho appena mandato il materiale in lavorazione, dovrebbe uscire entro settembre @histodons @histodon @notizie @poliversity @filosofia @zfphl @intellectualhistory
They “can’t write a three-page paper or hand-make a poster board. Their textbooks are all online, but tangible pages under your fingers literally connect you to the material you’re learning. These kids do not know how to move through their day without a device in their hand and under their fingertips. They never even get a chance to disconnect from their tech and reconnect with one another through eye contact and conversation.”
L’università è una riserva di pensiero critico #Primopiano #Articoli
Su @jacobinitalia, alcune mie riflessioni sul ruolo della libertà accademica e sul bisogno che in questo momento società e potere si confrontino con una comunità universitaria pienamente capace della sua funzione critica
@intellectualhistory @notizie @poliversity @universitaly @histodons @histodon
#publishOrPerish or #publishAndPerish? If you spend your time writing, you will not have enough of it to read 🙂 via @petersuber @academicchatter
" prima di chiedermi di fondere gli aratri per farne cannoni, vorrei che gentilmente mi si mostrassero le carte da dove evincere quali e quanti e quanto intelligenti sforzi sono stati fatti negli ultimi trent’anni per non arrivare a questo punto. Le carte, non i discorsi. Prima che i nostri figli si mettano in fila per il fronte, i cittadini d’Europa ne hanno diritto." Maurizio Maggiani su
#Anvur Sedicenti scienziati superdotati - per lo più valutatori di stato - chiedono effettive superdotazioni: #Herbalife (per capire perché c'è questo tag, leggete l'articolo 🙂 )
If there's any area that should be able to resist AI FOMO, it's higher ed and the higher ed press, given how often supposed innovations in educational flame out, but they're not doing great so far. Important perspective 👇
There’s no sweeter phrase than “I told you so”. But sweetness can turn bitter if I have to tell you every few months, and you keep acting surprised…
2024 - Alleged "cashier-less" Amazon shops actually need "1,000 real people in India scanning camera feeds".
2023 - Same thing with Alexa.
2022 - Same thing with smart warehouses.
2019 - Same thing with Ring.
2018 - Same thing with Kiwibots...
World Central Kitchen founder's response
“The air strikes on our convoy were not just some unfortunate mistake in the fog of war. It was a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by the [Israeli military]. It was also the direct result of his [PM Netanyahu’s] government’s policy to squeeze humanitarian aid to desperate levels.”
Jose Andres
@pluralistic Hi Cory, this will be of interest to you - a preprint demonstrating (mathematically) that hallucinations are an inevitable consequence of how LLMs are made and work. You can’t avoid them: