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I could hear this crowd, this mob that had gathered outside....And so this woman collects us and takes us all to the office...
And one guy says, 'Maybe what we're going to have to do is let them hang one kid while we get the other eight out. At least we'll save eight.'
And then another white gentleman - I believe to be assistant chief of police of North Little Rock, stood up and said, 'No, look, I'm a parent, I'm not doing this. I'm getting them all out. We're going. We're going to do it.'

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It is totally possible to be privy to sensitive information, and also be friends with journalists.

Discretion is a question of professionalism, not acquaintance.

Of course, not all may see it that way

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I keep coming back to Elizabeth Warren’s taxation plan for the ultra ultra ultra wealthy. It barely makes a dent in their net worth and could fund so many social and environmental programs that most Americans support. The fact that we give the wealthiest Americans a hall pass on paying even the tiniest bit of their fair-share shows how much power they have over legislation and lawmakers.
#elizabethwarren #ultra-millionaire-tax #Top1%

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“We've arranged a society based on #science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology. This combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces.”

- Carl Sagan, in his last interview to Charlie Rose

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Just a reminder that if you're American and thankful for even the meager workplace protections we enjoy as a result of labor organization, the Harper Collins union is currently striking and accepting donations for it's strike fund. 😙

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Did you know the Speaker of the Senate of Italy collects Mussolini fan-art and that Italy as of a meeting with France yesterday dictates the rules for EU's humanity?

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Boomers: People are too sensitive and need to toughen up

Millennials: People need to care more and help each other out

Gen X: Die Hard is a Christmas movie

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In 1959, police were called to a segregated library when a Black 9-year-old boy trying to check out books refused to leave, after being told the library was not for Black people.

The boy, Ronald McNair, went on to became an astronaut. The library is also now named after him

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Musk didn't buy Twitter to make money from it. He bought Twitter to control public narratives and push political discourse further to the right, which he knows is crucial to defending his class interests.

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... The next person to argue that Ebooks And Audio Aren't Real Books gets to explain to the whole class why they think blind and other disabled people are fake readers/not experiencing a book the Right Way. 🙃

And I get to hand out tomatoes. 😇

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@marcelias —> voting rights and litigation
@charlotteclymer —> trans rights and LGBTQ+ community
@ifilljustice —> civil rights and justice
@QasimRashid —> immigrants and minority rights

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reminder that the salvation army sucks and is absurdly, ridiculously, and unambiguously anti-lgbtq and to never give them money or anything

#holidays #christmas #charity #lgbt #SalvationArmy

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Club Q Shooting, Focus on the Family Vandalism 

Anti-LGBTQ Christian Lobbying Group Focus On The Family Vandalized:

To those fighting for the queer community,

As members of the queer community we are heartbroken by the lives taken at Club Q on November 19th: Daniel Aston, Raymond Green Vance, Kelly Loving, Ashley Paugh and Derrick Rump. Before proceeding we feel it is our responsibility to acknowledge that we acted without consent from the families of these people. We offer our sincere apologies if this action feels contrary to your beliefs. We chose to proceed with this action because of the incredible violence that Focus on the Family continues to perpetuate against the 2SLQBTQIA community.

On the eve of Transgender Day of Remembrance, as Club Q was preparing an all ages drag show, the queer community lost 5 beautiful souls at one of the few gay clubs in all of Colorado Springs. These 5 individuals gathered at Club Q with friends and loved ones, new and old, to be in community and to grieve all the lives lost to transphobia. You may have seen various news outlets speaking about this tragedy as an issue of “gun control” or a “senseless act of violence,” but it is so important that we recognize this crime for what it was: a targeted act of hate.

Witnesses have recounted that 50-60 people were present at Club Q when a man walked in and started shooting. 5 people were killed and 18 or more were wounded. What this means is that half of the people who came to dance and have fun in this sacred space were physically injured as a result of this atrocity, not to mention the trauma inflicted on every single person present at Club Q. It is no accident that this happened in Colorado Springs, a city steeped in homophobia, transphobia, and white supremacy. It is no surprise that someone did this in the city that is home to such a hateful organization as Focus on the Family. If you visit their website, you will see them eagerly display their desire to rid the world of all queer people.

It is important to us that you understand why Focus on the Family must be held accountable for the ramifications of their hateful theology. You have likely seen the onslaught of anti-trans legislation, of which Focus on the Family is a huge proponent, both in funding and propaganda. With an alarmingly expansive network, they work closely with powerful entities, such as the DeVos family, to promote and fund this anti-trans legislation. Focus on the Family's goal is to eradicate queerness. Tactics they use to achieve this include indoctrination, media saturation, falsified research, and conversion therapy. We encourage you to continue to investigate the many examples of their culpability, which can be found front and center on their own website.

Focus on the Family likes to promote themselves as people who are “bringing about the kingdom of god.” But we want to remind you that even the bible warns us to be cautious of folks such as these. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 reminds us that “even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, so it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.”

In Love, Grief, Rage, and Solidarity,
Members of the Front Range Queer Community

[Received Via Anonymous Submission]

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So weird how "free speech" has to include attacks on marginalized people, but can never include fighting back against oppressors.

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My #mosstodon apology pic. We were in the Cowal Peninsula in #Scotland at the start of the month and the carpets of moss in the woodlands up there were fantastic - vivid and spongey. These #moss covered trees also caught my eye - like they were playing dress up, trying to convince the pines all around them that "we're evergreens too, honest!" (These were at Glenbranter iirc.)

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Here's my new hobby which you #TwitterMigration folks might also want to try.

Watch your Local timeline for people just arriving or making their first post. (It's not stalking. Really.)

And then reply with something like, "Hello and welcome! 👋"

Sometimes that starts a conversation. Sometimes you wind up following each other.

Why do that? Maybe to be as kind as all the wonderful folks who welcomed us here?

So, go ahead. Pay it forward. Make a new friend. It's fun. And, you know, social.

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Se7en is a Christmas movie because people talk about the Bible and Brad Pitt gets a present at the end.

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