It’s very, very strange to be surrounded by people everywhere slowly signing up for fascism. Especially when they think of themselves as “normal”, liberal / progressive… the good people. And yet, they’ve fallen for propaganda. Slowly agreed to value tiny personal convenience over everyone else’s basic human rights. They’ve jettisoned reality. Rejected science and facts. Bought into extreme selfishness. They proudly post photos of themselves causing harm. And push others to do the same. W.T.F.
My feeds are full of people celebrating and congratulating each other for hosting maskless events indoors. You all have lost it. You've parted from reality. Often while claiming to care about healthcare, or accessibility, or humanity, or ethics. But you don't. You've been duped. The far right extreme has won you over. As we all boil in a pot of hot water, on a stove heated by the playbooks of fascism.
I hate to think about what comes next.
I’m sure people think I haven’t spoken at any in-person web conferences since I joined Apple because of Apple. No. It’s because of Sars-Cov-2. And because I was disabled by Covid.
I wish the pandemic were over. I wish I could physically travel. I intensely miss speaking at events, being there in person, talking to you all. But I cannot. First, because I still have not recovered enough to handle it. Second, because I absolutely refuse to spread this virus around. I won’t do it. Ethically, no.
If the virus was really and truly gone — or more realistically, if we had sterilizing vaccines — I would definitely attempt to go speak at in-person conferences. I would ask for accommodations. But when I have asked for what I need & what the audience needs to be safe, I've been met with refusals from conference organizers. Many have no intention of being truly accessible. No intention of keeping audiences safe from this virus or the disability it leaves in its wake. Some have been quite rude.
@jensimmons Trump shut down travel pretty early on in addition to other mitigations, funded tests & vaccine research. There were many mistakes and I'm sure there's a lot he could have done differently, but I don't think you can make a case that he "hated" covid mitigations.
You seem to be right about kids in cages, though: we were doing that before Trump and continue to do it after him. So I guess Obama/Biden supporters also like kids in cages.