RT @LincolnsBible@twitter.com
16. This money - and its corruption - is in EVERY institution...
EVERY industry...
EVERY corner.
If it's big - like Wall Street, Pharma, Media, Silicon Valley, Telecom, Mega Churches, the WHITE HOUSE - then, this money is in it.
It's there.
Not every place, but enough.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LincolnsBible/status/994400138029285377
RT @NCA_UK@twitter.com
Modern slavery and human trafficking impacts every community in the UK. It can take many forms and isn’t always easy to spot.
Can you #SpotTheSigns? Report suspicions confidentially @MSHelpline@twitter.com.
RT @OneSleepingDog@twitter.com
@End_TheFederalR@twitter.com Read the words in this pic and it all becomes clear.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OneSleepingDog/status/1083778757905793025
RT @ladypeace4kids@twitter.com
#HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay #EndHumanTrafficking
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ladypeace4kids/status/1083794785603735552
RT @_AlexHirsch@twitter.com
What the fresh hell. This is REAL. Filmed in 1958- about a conman who grifts a small town of suckers into building a wall. History not subtle enough for you? GUESS THE GRIFTER'S NAME
(And watch until the end)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_AlexHirsch/status/1083140191362048000
RT @nywolforg@twitter.com
It is not enough to understand the natural world; the point is to defend and preserve it. ~Edward Abbey #standforwolves
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nywolforg/status/1082097028954497025
RT @usuariosdigital@twitter.com
Hoy se cumplen 5 años de las revelaciones hechas por @Snowden@twitter.com sobre @NSAGov@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/usuariosdigital/status/1004141676087177216
RT @rootkovska@twitter.com
In which @qrs@twitter.com discusses his (re)creation(?) of a BNC backdoor designed to be inserted into a _resistor_ sitting between the SPI flash and the BNC chip (just over 1 wire, yes!). Very cool. Interesting staff starts at 15:08:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rootkovska/status/1078572897441103872
RT @musalbas@twitter.com
Here is what Levy also said earlier this year in relation to identity systems in end-to-end encryption messaging apps. Thread from earlier this year: https://twitter.com/musalbas/status/1004853586239590400
RT @musalbas@twitter.com
Ian Levy of GCHQ has released an essay on how law enforcement should get access to end-to-end encrypted communications. Here is the critical bit to pay attention to.
They're proposing to exploit the fact that users don't verify each other's public keys, and inject bad keys.
RT @sahouraxo@twitter.com
Julian Assange exposed Hillary Clinton’s role in arming jihadists in Syria. She should be the one facing criminal charges, not him.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sahouraxo/status/1063511102158454784
RT @Kwikfit4uTim@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Kwikfit4uTim/status/1081781623484489728
RT @RexValllachorum@twitter.com
Another little history lesson for the socialist-democrats admirers of Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.
There isn't a single day I don't read their comments on Tweeter about how THEIR new socialism isn't what MY old socialism, the socialism I survived was.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RexValllachorum/status/1073028563513663489
RT @ladypeace4kids@twitter.com
Visit our website for more info on human trafficking. Lots of things in the works that we can't wait to share with you. Contact us if you are interested in how you can help fight against human trafficking. #ladypeace4kids #endhumantrafficking #youcanmakeadifference
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ladypeace4kids/status/1035639567934734338
Perhaps I was part of the last generation where even some were raised this way.
RT @Cagsil@twitter.com
RT @IGD_News@twitter.com
Tucker Carlson is best known for mainstreaming white nationalism - but he's also the heir to the Swanson frozen foods fortune. Famous for 'Hungry Man' dinners, Swanson's empire, and in turn Tucker himself, grew rich off undocumented migrant labor in meat packing + in the fields.
RT @TonyCartalucci@twitter.com
don't get distracted by these talking heads and puppet politicians.
Track the $ back to the corporations they work for & take some time to get rid of them.
Every dollar you spend enters into the equation of power and its balance or lack thereof. #Syria #SyriaWithdrawal
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TonyCartalucci/status/1076221425315270657