alcuni (bei) film contemporanei reperibili su RaiPlay:
Nico: 1988 (S.Nicchiarelli)
7 minuti dopo la mezzanotte (J.A.Bayona)
Silence (M.Scorsese)
Thelma (J.Trier)
Venere in pelliccia (R.Polanski)
alcuni (bei) film contemporanei reperibili su RaiPlay:
Appaloosa (E.Harris)
Hugo Cabret (M.Scorsese)
Il racconto dei racconti (M.Garrone)
La La Land (D.Chazelle)
Lazzaro felice (A.Rohrwacher)
Sofia Loren demonstrating her billiards skills for American soldiers at a U.S. Army Supply in Italy, circa 1954.
L' Europa sta abbandonando il software Statunitense, grazie al regolamento europeo sulla privacy (GDPR) che vieta l'invio dei dati negli Stati Uniti, paese che non garantisce gli standard sulla privacy.
Grafico: Pubbliche Amministrazioni Italiane che stanno rimuovendo i traccianti di Google dai loro siti (Google Analitycs in blu, Google Fonts in rosso)
Silvia Federici rende disponibili nel suo libro "Caccia alle streghe, guerra alle donne" degli studi antropologici sull'evoluzione della repressione nei confronti delle donne e delle madri, delle anziane. Spiega come il capitalismo stesso sia la causa della sempre più violenta repressione, dall'inizio delle Enclosures all'età contemporanea dove la mercificazione di qualsiasi cosa rende le donne schiave e vittime non degli uomini ma di un sistema malato.
#LibriSegreti #femminismo
Articolo che dice forse un po' di ovvietà su differenze e convergenze fra menzogna e finzione, ma che mette in ordine un po' di cose che pensavo da tempo.
@lbreda *prova* `menzione`
@manfroze _prova_ menzione
Già che sapere di `@brickset_bot` mi pare vi sia piaciuto, su #Telegram c'è pure `@moviedbbot`. Entrambi sono Open Source, quindi chi di voi vuole aggiungere cose è libero di forkare.
I'm challenging your claim on the word "most", on either sides.
You said you couldn't give me examples from your experience, but here you are telling me that you've met extremists yelling at tacos.
"Such form" was in your example, not in my reasoning, therefore that gap is not in my logic.
Human rights are not "feelings", you can't "perceive" a violation. They are well defined on the basis of facts (historical and verifiable) and ratified by the law. Violations can be detected just as any other crime can be, i.e. on the basis of facts, never feelings. Reasonable doubts will be explored in debate (or in court), but in the meanwhile facts stay facts. You don't perceive them: you find them.
Again it is as possible for me as it is for anyone else. No one is immune, but then again anyone can address the issue and try to mend it. You tried, I can try just as much. Try to assume I'm privileged enough to share the same perspective that you have. If I'm not, your arguments will see my bluff. No need to appeal to prejudices, when one's confident enough.
You're assuming that being opinionated or being an activist is a cause for (or a consequence of) "joining an ideology". I don't think they are.
I agree with you that the moment you "join" anything you submit yourself to certain social mechanisms, since you are engaging in a group activity and you have to comply to a certain degree of conformity.
That's very different from just "being leftist/liberal", therefore that meme doesn't fully apply, not under those terms. It was funny as a simplification. But we tend to rely too much on simplifications. Better explain them every time we can.
Well, it depends on how (and how much better than me or anybody else) you can detect hints of truth. I was assuming (for the sake of argument, since we don't know each other) that both of us are just as much capable of skepticism and fact-checking.
How can you tell that a person who's willing to discriminate other people is not really a racist/fascist? How can you tell that a leftist who complains about them is lying? I can't, and I don't think you can, but I'm open to surprises.
I'd also like someone to point out what I got wrong in my long toot.
Cercasi bolla disperatamente.
living in 🇮🇹
headed to 🇨🇦
dreaming of 🇮🇪
trying to speak 🇵🇹.
#nobot • Likes emojis.
(immagine di intestazione: CC BY 2.0 2004, Steve Jurvetson,