RT @STS_News
Hype and criti-hype both intense at the moment. https://twitter.com/DrTechlash/status/1612892593200984064
RT @skdh
This is a bad idea. Science is not a democracy. The more scientists you poll on a topic the fewer of them will actually understand the topic. Collect arguments, not opinions.
🎬 #ANF #TDM2022 #Atelier
Justine Revol @INIST_CNRS : comment faire de la #fouilledetextes sans coder grâce à des web services dédiés ?
@ISTEX_Platform #ISTEXDL #LODEX #API #fouilledetextes #offredeservice #textmining #TDM #WebServices
RT @eollion
Want to explore the potential of digital data and AI to analyze societies? In June, we will once again be running a Summer Institute in Computational Soc. Sci. in Paris. This year, we will focus on digital text data and NLP. Find out more at https://sicss.io/2023/paris and apply!
RT @ccsd_fr
Les revues prédatrices : un concept dépassé ? https://www.afis.org/Les-revues-predatrices-un-concept-depasse
RT @ashleydfarley
"As manager of the open access policy I feel the policy can only be as successful as the ability to spot non-compliance and enact corrections. This requires copious data sources and a way to translate these sources into action. This is what http://OA.Report accomplishes." https://twitter.com/OA_Works/status/1612431700163952640
RT @BarbaraLancho
Do you want to work on Bibliometrics? Then apply to join my Team. My current position is now live, looking for my successor:
RT @EmbassySci
You can sign up for the next @NRIN_Integrity and @sops4ri symposium taking place on February 3! The focus is on how research institutions can take the lead on fostering research integrity. The full program and sign-up link can be found here: https://nrin.nl/component/eventbooking/openbaar/how-can-institutions-take-the-lead-in-fostering-research-integrity-experiences-and-perspectives
RT @Hceres_
📣 Le Hcéres lance un appel à candidatures pour enrichir son vivier d'experts et constituer les futurs comités en charge des évaluations !
🗓 Date limite des candidatures : 19 janvier 2023
📍 Plus d'infos : https://bit.ly/appel-candidatures-experts
RT @BibdesPonts
#LundiInfo👉À ne pas manquer dans le hall du bât. Carnot de l'@EcoledesPonts : Hommage à #AaronSwart. Une exposition proposée par le pôle IST de la direction de la documentation. Disponible sur @hal_fr➡️https://bit.ly/3WZqT8A #AaronSwartzDay #openaccess #sciencesouvertes
RT @Thatsregrettab1
Shame on @PNASNews for publishing this retraction notice describing "errors" in figure preparation. Lanes don't duplicate themselves. Check out the @PubPeer thread. 😾
RT @prudhoju
Il faut combattre la fraude. Mais aussi, "il faut arrêter de pousser les chercheurs à publier, même quand ils n’ont rien à dire", dixit @lariviev
''Publie-beaucoup-tout-le-temps ou meurs" est de mauvaise politique.
Une industrie des fraudes scientifiques
RT @MarcGuyon
#Covid19 : je pensais qu’on avait tout vu en termes de stupidités en 2020, mais l’homme est toujours capable d’aller plus loin.
RT @paolagorigiorgi
Imo one of the best explanations to this was by David Graeber in https://thebaffler.com/salvos/of-flying-cars-and-the-declining-rate-of-profit
"There was a time when academia was society’s refuge for the eccentric, brilliant, and impractical. No longer. It is now the domain of professional self-marketers"
RT @deevybee
Found a gold-mine of #TorturedPhrases in Prime Scholars, but need help translating them.
Can any bioscience word nerds help with "horrendous collaboration", "biomolecular build-up", "neurotic protein accumulation" "intensity safe dark Legend proteins"?
RT @JTLonsdale
It’s been a mystery why Roman concrete often lasted thousands of years, but ours decays in mere decades.
Turns out they incorporated chemicals in a process that induces self-healing; scientists at MIT just figured this all out - in 2022.
RT @MaxRossmann
Wir sprechen viel über #Technikzukünfte – tragen wir damit zum #Hype bei?
Sind all unsere schönen Dystopien nur “wishful-worries”?
Muss man nun selbst ein Abstract verfassen oder übernimmt #chatgpt3 das? https://twitter.com/TAjournal/status/1604747109466619906
RT @ddemortain
10 jours pr postuler comme ingénieur de recherche @CNRS pour la plateforme @CorTexT_team
@umr_lisis. N'hésitez pas à m'écrire ou à @ScTechViz
pour vous informer et nous rejoindre! #sciencessocialescomputationnelles #SNA #NLP #scientometrics👉https://tinyurl.com/9tumvup
And if you are very curious, you can find all drafts and review material, including the 59000 review comments we received, and our answers to them, here:
Bibliometrician at École des Ponts @EcoledesPonts
Researcher at LISIS @umr_lisis
@_Nano_Bubbles team member