🚀 Post-Doc Sciences Sociales Computationnelles, SIC, STS
💡 Dans le cadre du projet ANR ROR²
▶️ Science ouverte, Intégrité scientifique, Pratiques de recherche
It will be worth maintaining the focus on the fundamental scientific problem, which all this intimidation is intended to distract from:
What is the evidence that the nanoparticles are able to access the cytoplasmic compartment in living cells? None of the claimed applications can work without this implausible and unproven step.
great piece by Frédérique Bordignon @fredbordignon "OpenAlex : révolution ou défi pour la bibliométrie ?" / "OpenAlex: revolution or challenge for bibliometrics?"
I don't agree with much in this blog. I don't think Gay's plagiarism was particularly notable, but the problem was the political circus, which the press can create about almost anything, how one eats a bacon sandwiche included (Ed Miliband). And discouraging critiques of *published* work is just ridiculous.
"Hyper! Hyper!" – In their special topic introduction Jascha Bareis, Maximilian Roßmann, and Frédérique Bordignon provide an overview of the core characteristics of #technologyhype and present approaches for studying, critiquing, and dealing with it.
📖 https://doi.org/10.14512/tatup.32.3.11
#technologyassessment #openaccess #hype #overpromising #expectations #emergingtechnologies
@raphavisses December 6th
Learned something really cool and mappy today: the Museum of London's logo is made up of LAYERS! Each layer in the logo shows a new phase of London's geographical expansion throughout history!
LeMonde series on data sleuths etc continues, with a portrait of Guillaume Cabanac
#papermills #fraud #sleuths
Just heard on BBC World Service, from an advisor to the Ukranian Minister of Defence:
«On February 23 2022, everyone though Russia had the second most powerful army in the world. Yesterday it was apprarent they had the second most powerful army in Ukraine. Today it seems the Russian army might be the second most powerful in Russia» 🔥🔥🔥
(He started the interview saying they were running out of popcorn.)
Would you like to do a PhD with Giulia Fadda and me? Or do you know anyone who might? Contact us ASAP (deadline 04/06/2023) Please share. #phd https://doctorat.campusfrance.org/en/CF202332446
Did you know that you can take a look at the submissions for the #sti2023 conference already? After a quick check, they have been published on the Orvium platform as preprints, where you can access them.
The care of things (and Gephi)
15 min read.
I enjoyed reading @jeromedenis & David Pontille’s book about maintenance. Not a review, but ideas I took from it that helped me understand better what is going on with Gephi’s maintenance.
RT @GroupeADP
À Pontoise, qui accueille le 1er #vertiport expérimental d'Europe, les tests se poursuivent pour que chacun qui le souhaite puisse bientôt voler à bord d'un aéronef électrique à décollage et atterrissage vertical. Une solution de mobilité innovante aux multiples usages. #eVTOL
RT @manuelansede
Saudi scientist @AlhuthaliSakhr reveals how foreign researchers are paid by Arab universities (up to €70,000 a year) to lie about their main affiliation and boost their position on the influential Shanghai Ranking. "We must stop this academic buffoonery"
RT @RetractionWatch
“Scientific rivalries can benefit us all.”
RT @BrianNosek
Registration is now open for the live feed for #Metascience2023 on May 9-10 for those that cannot join in person in Washington DC.
If you can join in-person, register now for one of the remaining openings!
RT @NoahHaber
@JessButler284 @chrisdc77 @neuralreckoning @deevybee @jamesheathers All the recordings and such for these virtual pre-conference talks are posted here: https://metascience.info/virtual-symposia/
This one isn't quite up yet (looks like it's a few days before they get posted).
Bibliometrician at École des Ponts @EcoledesPonts
Researcher at LISIS @umr_lisis
@_Nano_Bubbles team member