RT @maoviedogarcia
🚨 Las 19 revistas de #Hindawi que han sido excluidas de Web of Science
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RT @RetractionWatch
A journal editor once told us authors were free to publish ‘bullshit and fiction.’ Apparently his publisher disagrees.
RT @maoviedogarcia
Parece ser que International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health va a ser excluida de Web of Science.
Se puede comprobar que en la página web de la revista ha desaparecido toda referencia al Factor de Impacto.
RT @Thatsregrettab1
Created by @Bing. Not trained on any data; just used their website with a vague prompt. Even if journals request original data, I think AI tools will soon make it very hard to detect completely fabricated blots. Journals: be forewarned.
NB: I know you don't really care.
RT @JAByrneSci
Excellent presentation from @MVDougherty123 highlighting how unusual scribal errors in texts can potentially highlight #plagiarism. Plagiarism is not just about misallocating credit but can also distort scholarship through poor quality and erroneous texts #APRI2023 @Apri2023
RT @timmarchman
Ivermectin seems to be taking over from bleach as the thing parents are forcing on their autistic kids; horrifying story from @daithaigilbert https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkayeg/ivermectin-kids-autism
Why is a ranking supporting the #MoreThanOurRank initiative?
Come along to our 17 April Community Call to hear @LudoWaltman explain!
RT @iFromm
The tentative schedule of our Bibliometric-Enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR 2023) workshop @ecir2023 had been published: https://sites.google.com/view/bir-ws/bir-2023?authuser=0. Hope to see you in Dublin!
(w/ @Philipp_Mayr @suzan @gcabanac)
RT @maglarecherche
🔸ÉDITION SCIENTIFIQUE : Chérifa Boukacem-Zeghmouri (@BoukacemZeg) décrypte le phénomène des revues (et des conférences) prédatrices, fléau de plus en plus présent dans le milieu de la recherche, dont il exploite les failles https://www.larecherche.fr/vie-scientifique-%C3%A9dition/la-pr%C3%A9dation-dans-la-publication-scientifique
RT @LeidenMadtrics
Narrative CVs allow researchers to contextualize their career. In a 5-day workshop, a collective of researchers, funders, policy makers and administrators reflected on this type of CV, including open questions, but also opportunities of the format.
1/4 https://www.leidenmadtrics.nl/articles/narrative-cvs-a-new-challenge-and-research-agenda
RT @Fractale04
Publications scientifiques diffusées sans droit : blocage de 183 noms de domaine - SciHub, .... https://www.legalis.net/actualite/publications-scientifiques-diffusees-sans-droit-blocage-de-183-noms-de-domaine/
RT @NUOpenResearch
It's only two weeks until #OpenResearchWeek! Register for the Narrative CVs session with @HilaryNoone from @UKRI_News⬇️
Bibliometrician at École des Ponts @EcoledesPonts
Researcher at LISIS @umr_lisis
@_Nano_Bubbles team member