I was very surprised to receive a letter from the DWP this morning informing me that my winter fuel allowance payment will be £500.
I thought that once Britain fully left the EU, as I live in Luxembourg, all those sorts of discretionary payments would cease along with increases in pension payments, just as they do if you move somewhere like Brazil or to some other exoticretirement destination.
I guess somewhere in the small print of Blojob's "Dustbin Ready Deal" there must have been some stuff about mutual continuation of extra payments to pensioners. I'm surprised that the band of small minded fascists like Frost et al who negotiated the deal let extravagance like that creep into the text!
@Paulos_the_fog haha that's nice but I'd hesitate to attribute to design that which might adequately be explained by incompetence!
@Paulos_the_fog wait so that minimum pension is about double the uk state pension? remarkable! and people of that age are considered the core demographic for Tory support, right? I never understand how anyone decides to vote for them, but every time I hear something like this I feel even more confused 😂
The problem with Britain is there are still millions of people raised on an exclusive diet of 'British is best' and when confronted with the reality that, in the matter of pensions, 'Britain is the worst in the developed world', they refuse to believe it!
@Paulos_the_fog yes, it seems British exceptionalism, or perhaps more to the point, English exceptionalism, has a lot to answer for, but it's still remarkable that it can lead people to actively vote so directly against their own personal material interests
Yes, double sounds about right but bear in mind that is the MINIMUM! Most people get far more than that; the average pension pay-out being around £800 /week, as I said.
I get £370/week for only 11 year's contributions to the pensions system but OK, I was earning quite well so my contributions were pretty high.
Over here they have a bizarre system (bizarre if you're a tory). If you don't earn much, your deductions are quite low but if you are a high earning, single taxpayer you get thoroughly spanked by the taxman. Whereas in the UK, if you are a low wage earner you get taxed to death but if you are rich you can pay accountants to make sure you only pay a pittance!