Out now in @eLife, our MEG study suggesting that overlapping, competing memories become temporally segregated along the theta rhythm with repeated recalls.

Led and bravely preregistered by Casper Kerrén, with a little help from our friends @sandervanbree & @b_j_griffiths.

Based on computational model of how the brain might use slow oscillations to punish competitors and strengthen target memories by @ptoncompmemlab.


🚨 BIG DATA RELEASE 🚨 We are beyond excited to announce the release of our Brain Wide Map of neural activity during decision making! It consists of 547 Neuropixel recordings of 32784 neurons across 194 regions of the mouse brain 🐭🧠

All these recordings were performed in a distributed fashion in 12 different labs, spanning Europe and the US 🌎 Rigorous standardization of methods and materials allowed us to pool the data from these labs together into a single gigantic dataset 🐙

Mice are performing our standardized perceptual decision-making task in which they have to position a stimulus in the center of a screen to receive reward. The dataset contains the stimuli and decisions, but also videos from three angles and DeepLabCut pose information. We're even releasing all the raw ephys data!

We know, it's a lot. At your own pace you can read all the details about the experimental setup, the task, processing of the data, and much more in the technical paper which accompanies this data release: figshare.com/articles/preprint

To explore the data at your leisure, visit our visualization website where you can scroll through different recording sessions, look at neural activity during example trials, and see trial-based activity of single neurons: viz.internationalbrainlab.org

Do you have itchy fingers to run your models on this humongous dataset? We totally get it! Here you can find how to download the data using our API so you can fire up those computing clusters: int-brain-lab.github.io/iblenv

This was a collective effort of our stellar team, who all put in so much work to make this monumental achievement possible. Our collaboration consists of 22 PIs, 37 researchers, and 11 staff members who all worked tirelessly to bring these data to you, the community 👏🍾

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