Intense debates over at about content warnings. Some people would like to see them for all political content.

I guess that's a debate we should have as well then, no?


@anne Maybe? I feel the compromise is to find some way of allowing users to filter political content. The world is very political, in almost all facets, seems like you'd have a tough task trying to get people onboard with that.

@anne @funky
for me as you say, because i want a nice space and if i (that puts political content among others) have to make it, i will 💜 for you, it is not a problem 😀
i put alt text on images and this would be a little thing to make.

i can imagen, for example, people that their life is very political and wants relax in this space. they have that right and it is easy to solve.

what i find difficult for me is how to decide what is it political content

@ona @anne yeah for sure, so many things border on being political, whether that be advertising or how a company behaves it can be quite difficult. At the very least you could make it possible to filter blatantly political content.

@funky @ona To me, I don't feel comfortable when politics are seen as a problem. It relaxes me to see people discuss politics because I feel less alone facing what's out there.

I do add ALT texts and I use CW for content related to sexual and sometimes other violence but even there I wonder sometimes, since people get triggered by all kinds of things and why the distinction.

@anne @funky @ona yes,me too. It seems kind of hard to decide what is political or not

@gaba Actually that irritates me. I get the point that people don't want to be overwhelmed with <something> when browsing their local timeline.

But I actually like to see things that are new, that are happening elsewhere, it makes me happy to see political action and movements and protests.

And then where's the line? What isn't political? I don't want to define 'real' politics from not so real politics.

@funky @ona

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