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@Ferris_vball I think it's mostly because of scientists' own ignorance or arrogance. Giving a good scientific talk is a skill. However you usually "pick up" this skill here and there and is generally assumed to known by students. In fact scientific communication is a scientific field of its own that needs to be thought to students so that at least people have an appreciation that giving a scientific talk takes more time and effort than putting few slides together. However, even in well meaning departments that mandate this kind of training or classes, it's usually seen as a formality and encumbrance by students and faculty. You wouldn't expect someone to be successful in your field without having learned the field. Yet scientific communication is treated similarly by scientists who have no formal training in it yet somehow "knows" how to give good talks.

#News: The U.S. Department of #Health and Human Services has released a pretty significant #update about user #tracking on hospital websites.

Let's dig in:

Today we should also remember those who fought to get medicine for their love ones. At a time when nobody cared about the gays.

Do you know who was the first person we know of that died of AIDS in the U.S., and when they died? It was Robert Rayford, a Black boy who was 15 when he was hospitalized, and 16 when he died. He lived near St. Louis, Missouri. He died in 1969. It wasn't until 1987 it was discovered he died of complications related to AIDS, after his tissue samples tested positive to #HIV antibodies. Rest in power, Robert. #WorldAIDSDay

Imagine a pandemic in which there were little to no response from the government to control it. People saw it as a punishment from God because of gays. It makes me so mad and sad that so many have died because of / . Unnecessarily.

Those who produce everything have nothing, and those who produce nothing have everything. Such a state of affairs can only produce antagonism between the laboring class and the owning, i.e., do-nothing, class. The fight breaks out and hatred delivers its blows.
-- Marius Jacob

#anarchism #quote #bot

Say there's a traffic intersection where you, as the mayor, have observed there's been an increase in deadly traffic accidents. You decide that a solution (traffic lights, speed cameras etc) would decrease the rate of accidents. You implement this solution and voila there are now less accidents. You conclude that the solution was the right one and you are very happy about it. So you come up with a policy to implement that solution to other similarly high accident intersections.

What's wrong with all of this?

@tonic I wanted the comparison ro highlight the fact thay both parties are in the end anti union

@IAmSpartacus many US foreign interventions (read aggressions) in Latin America are motivated against good government.

What I want from people is to generalize from the example of and to literally any . All of them are managed by dictators. All of them can fire innumerable number of people at a whim. All of them care only about and nothing else. If they care about their customers it's only to the extent that it increases their profits.

1. The nation's 100K+ rail workers get ZERO paid sick days

They want FOUR

And are threatening to strike December 9

In response, corporate America is demanding Congress intervene and force them to continue working without any paid sick days

on the left: not a single one of these devices still boots. most of them did, when they were first put on the shelf. even if they could be repaired to boot up, a secure operating system no longer exists that will run on them

on the right: each one of these still works great, other than batteries (replaceable) and the occasional loose hinge. despite the average age being 2x of the phones, half of them are still in active everyday use

3,013 neurons, half a million synapses: the complete #connectome of the whole #Drosophila larval brain!

Winding, Pedigo et al. 2022. "The connectome of an insect brain"

We’ve mapped and analysed its circuit architecture, from sensory neurons to brain output neurons, as reconstructed from volume electron microscopy, and here is what we found. 1/

#neuroscience #connectomics #vEM #volumeEM

"Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, 'We’ve always done it this way.' I try to fight that. That’s why I have a clock on my wall that runs counter-clockwise."

- Rear Admiral Grace Hopper

#quotes #change #MondayMotivation

In case you don’t believe the same equations govern #motion in the #atmosphere and the #ocean.

Video by Tristan Heth in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

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