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My (non representative) poll showed that people wouldn't accept a even when the dictator might align with one's values. Yet this is the reality in many tech companies. has seen a great example of why you shouldn't except a dictatorship even if your values align with the dictator's. Because there's no guarantee that a dictator will keep aligning with your values.

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Governance as corporate sponsored subscription services.*

-Direct democracy for $99/mo
-Representative Democracy for just $59/mo
-Autocratic Dictatorship for just $9.99

*utilities and infrastructure not included, lobbies sold separately.

GovInc LLC, "Give us your power"

Them: "But I heard that on Mastodon, the mods can read your DMs!" 😲

Me: "I've got news for you about Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc..."

You should reject every authority, but also commit yourself to a deep respect for all sincere convictions. Live your own life, but also allow others the complete freedom to live theirs.
-- Elisee Reclus

#anarchism #quote #bot

“The name of our beautiful reward is not profit. It’s name is freedom.“

Ursula K. Le Guin

Seeing Big Tech folks jump into the fediverse and – without so much as a “how do you do, fellow kids?” – roll up their sleeves to write the rules, dream up commercial services, and pontificate about how advertising should run on it. 👀

#fediverse #BigTech #corporateCapture #warning

And honestly selling inferences from your data is almost worse than selling your data

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"We don't sell your " Of course big tech companies don't sell your data. That's like selling raw iron. It's not much use to many people. What they do sell are inferences from your data. Such as your age, gender, geographical location, interests etc.

Would you approve of a dictatorial system if the dictator alligned with your values completely?

RSS and newsletters, Internet habits 

I'm going through the accounts I follow on the birdsite and looking for their RSS feeds and newsletters.

I'm suddently realising how much social media has changed my relationship with the net. I feel like I'm going back in time (with a much faster Internet and PC though. That, I don't miss).

It's worrying when you find blogs that aren't RSS ready or people who only post news on Twitter 😅 We've become too dependant on big corporations in a very short time.

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#WEB3 (aka decentralized internet) is already here. I think we were overcomplicating things with blockchain as a requirement. "Owning data" is more critical than immutable data. And we already have all ingredients for a healthier decentralized internet: Email, RSS, ActivityPub, Webmention, Matrix, and more. In summary, #indieweb. The only thing that remains is some good tools/services that will provide simpler/practical UX for all of these.

Oh dear. I've just been informed that collecting the names of every person on the planet for my naughty and nice lists is, and I quote, “a significant and wholly irresponsible breach of #GDPR “.
I'm going to hand out about 8 billion consent forms soon. If you could all get them back to me ASAP that would be appreciated.

1/ Das war wohl das letzte Flugzeug, was heute vom #BER gestartet ist. Danach waren beide Start- und Landebahnen des BER gesperrt, weil die #LetzteGeneration da Fahrrad gefahren ist und sich angeklebt hat.
#zivilerUngehorsam #Klimakatastrophe #climateaction #ClimateactionNow

When they pledge to ‘plant a tree,’ tell them you prefer they ‘protect a forest.’

I've always loved this ancient hare drawing and the various thoughts on its meaning. Ink on watercolour paper.

Three hares sharing three ears

Yet every one of them has two.

#art #artwork #artist #illustration #illustrator #ink #folklore #ancient #odd #weird #strange #linocut #linoprint #printmaking #drawing #drawn #watercolourpaper #icon

Elon's take over of Twitter has set a lot of things into motion in the digital world :amaze:

Tumblr and now also Flickr are thinking about intergrating ActivityPub so it will be able to connect to the Fediverse! :fediverse:

A lot of lay offs in the mainstream social media but the Fediverse is only growing!

The world is waking up :blobcheerwitch: Social media can be fun but also privacy friendly at the same time, you got the proof now!❤️

No billioaires needed ✅

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.