Very interesting idea yesterday by @kevinrutherford to use Eventstorming in the process notation to explore a team's own work rather than a business domain. Helped me a lot in coming up with a consistent language, and seeing hotspot areas; a compiler for practices. As always, I run out of space!
@kevinrutherford @giorgiosironi
I did something like this once for a person who struggled to organise their personal/ business life.
It showed event storming has a by far wider field of use than anticipated.
@AstridSawatzky @giorgiosironi oh that's a really nice idea!
@giorgiosironi @kevinrutherford I once did this at a large agile transition back in the 00s and what was really interesting to me was doing one with program/project managers and analysts and be with programmers and QA and just seeing where each side was a big cloud in the others diagram. “Tech stuff happens here” vs “management stuff happens here”. One card in *my* diagram is your whole diagram.
Bounded contexts FTW
@giorgiosironi Yes, I was surprised how well that worked.
But after all, our working practices are made up of actions, decisions, events etc, so I hoped it would be a good fit.