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Our Advisory Board has published a Draft Note for W3C's Vision

"Technology is not neutral; new technologies enable new actions and new possibilities, and we must take responsibility to address the actual impact of our work...

W3C’s Vision for the World Wide Web

The Web is for all humanity.

The Web is designed for the good of its users.

The Web must be safe for its users.

There is one interoperable world-wide Web."

This apparently touched a nerve; I had no idea. Check the comment thread.

My own major gripe with passcodes is that I could never find a simple straightforward explanation of what they were and how they were to be used. I have a decent understanding of asymmetric crypto and PKI and key exchange and JWT and so on, so if you can’t explain it to me, you have a big problem.

@mart_brooks @revk @bloor installing jitsi for me and using it with Firefox was one of the smoothest experiences I ever had. No background apps with security holes running on my computer neither.

🔥 🔥 🔥

«This is the result of taking #technology out of the hands of real builders and handing it to managers at a time when “management” is synonymous with “staying as far away from actual work as possible.” And when you’re a do-nothing looking to profit as much as possible, you only care about growth. You’re not a user, you’re a parasite, and it’s these parasites that have dominated and are draining the #tech industry of its value.»

The Man Who Killed #Google Search

The eight-bit Z80 is dead. Long live the 16-bit Z80!

Yes, they are harder to solder, but there's way more potential

<- by me on @theregister

"#ActivityPods is a combination of two #W3C standards: #ActivityPub, and the #Solid specification. The first standard is for data federation and networks, the second is for data storage and access. The ideals of both projects put together create a compelling vision: data control, across user applications, in service to communication across the web."

post links directly to the source, don't use Apple News or Bitly or other links hijackers. if they decide to change the service or go out of business, we have lost link to the original source.

keep the web as open as possible. say no to link shorteners and traffic hijackers 👍🏾

When I was a physics undergraduate, my supervisor was known for writings "WORDS" and "DIAGRAMS" on everyone's work, because students tended not to explain what they/we were doing. This was good advice.

Today when marking, I'm forever writing "BE SPECIFIC", because there are plenty of words and diagrams, but OMG the content is often so vague and it's unclear whether there is any meaning at all. All puffed up and completely empty.

Is this what the internet and marketing speak has done to us?

My definition of an expert in any field is a person who knows enough about what's really going on to be scared.

— P. J. Plauger

@tchambers @fediversenews

#Flipboard seems to be doing a pretty good job of easing into federation slowly. I think they had an established product and market first, though. ActivityPods is an intriguing project along those lines!

The replies to your post are interesting. I'm in the camp that agrees that point about needing separate accounts was a very strong one -- okay, I buy that it's not an inherent problem with ActivityPub but it's very much an issue with today's actually existing fediverse. So the responses saying that it's not an issue, or not a big issue, strike me as somewhat in denial.

@jdp23 @ricmac Yeah, ActivityPods is a project looking to resolve these. Combining ActivityPub and Solid. Was a little taken aback by the comment of Solid adding nothing. You’d be able to have a singular identity and own/control your data without needing to self-host an instance.

Nestlé works overtime to make sure it's one of the most evil corporations in the world

#Nestle #Sugar #Babies #Evil #JFC

We have just released @geopandas 1.0.0-alpha1, the first of the pre-releases of the upcoming major version of the package 🚀. It comes with some changes you may notice in your workflows.

Here’s a short blog post highlighting the most critical bits -

Please, help us test the pre-release and let us know if something doesn't look right!

pip install geopandas --pre -U

For anyone who still thinks that biofuels are going to be better than electrification, here's a couple of statistics from the World Resources Institute:

- Producing just 2% of the world's energy needs from liquid biofuel would require agricultural production to increase by another 30% by 2050.
- Even on the best lands, a hectare of modern solar voltaics can generate 40-100 times more usable energy than biomass

Here's how we use our land already.There just isn't room for that.

#climate #energy

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