RT @NetSciX23
Welcome to our official Twitter account! Follow us here to receive the latest updates about #NetSciX2023, to be held in Buenos Aires on February 7-10, 2023. More info at: https://cnet.fi.uba.ar/netscix23 @netscisociety #NetSci #Networks #NetSciXBuenosAires
RT @jnelz
.@UofUComm is hiring a journalism assistant professor focused on race, news and community. I'm on the search committee, and would be happy to speak with you if you're considering applying. Reach out! https://utah.peopleadmin.com/postings/139392
RT @chisocnet
Deadline este viernes 14 de octubre!! No se pierdan la 1era Conferencia Chilena de Redes Sociales - Llamado a presentar ponencias (jueves 5 y viernes 6 de enero del 2023)!! Formato híbrido (Santiago, Chile). Postula tu ponencia en el siguiente formulario: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-OaFzy-TugcBp0kertpn3Qhj1FbyfOt2JUXHdQeRfSwfKvQ/viewform
RT @ezagheni
Tenure-track positions at Max Planck Institutes aimed at promoting women in science.
They come with a highly attractive package of resources.
If you are interested in @MPIDRnews as a potential home and would like to learn more about the institute, feel free to get in touch. https://twitter.com/maxplanckpress/status/1577593393399533568
RT @svscarpino
A study of ~2M individuals in Israel found no evidence for increased risk of heart attack following mRNA vaccination*.
Do you know what did lead to a *massive* increase in heart attack risk???
You guessed it, #COVID19. https://twitter.com/michigan_noah/status/1579221308537065472
RT @AnetiLabs
We are happy to announce the ANET Lab Seminar Series fall events! Seminars are open and online, subscribe to the email list to receive link and updates: http://anet.krtk.mta.hu/seminars/
See you on the 13th of october!
RT @cen_ia
Un primer paso para generar redes 🦾Les invitamos a revisar la nota sobre el workshop "Inteligencia artificial en los servicios públicos: ahora y a futuro”, realizado gracias a la alianza entre @cen_ia , @HPE, AMD y @GobDigitalCL 👉https://cenia.cl/cenia-hpe-y-gobierno-digital-organizan-workshop-sobre-inteligencia-artificial-para-los-servicios-publicos/
RT @GaborBekes
Fellow instructors of Bachelor / Masters courses of Data Analysis, (Applied) Econometrics, Quantitative methods in social science programs (#Economics, #PoliSci, #Management #Health, etc). Are you using @Stata, #Rstats or #Python? Please vote and comment your reason. Cheers!
RT @eddelbuettel
@pdalgd Also: "Let's just add one more dependency to our #rstats package"
Two weeks ago, @hdashnow and the postdoc association @UUtah hosted @ClausWilke for a fantastic lecture on Effective Visual Communication. This lecture is highly recommended if you want to improve your storytelling with data.
RT @MattGrossmann
Version 1.1 of CongressData, which addresses missing cases & reliability, is now available. We are combining data on House districts, House members, & their policymaking activities.
R Packages:
Additions welcome
RT @sfiscience
In his 2022 Waterman lecture, @NSF awardee @DanLarremore (@CUBoulder/SFI) discussed his lab's research into the production of all tenure-track faculty at PhD-granting US universities 2011-20 — revealing inequalities in hiring, prestige, retention & gender:
RT @doctor_talitha
I’m #hiring a Project Manager for the @NSF National Data Science Alliance (#NDSA). Know anyone who would be a good fit to make a national impact across all #HBCUs in #DataScience? ✊🏽 Info at https://aucenter.edu/contact/auc-employment/
RT @ryanlayer
You are in luck! @BioFrontiers is hiring 2+ asst profs in any area, as long as it's interdisciplinary. Work with some truly impressive people like NSF Waterman awardee @DanLarremore NIH Pioneer @Sara_Sawyer_, HMMIs, NASs, nobel laureate, and, you know, me! https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail/?jobId=42958
Research Assistant Professor of #Epidemiology at the University of Utah. #sna #netsci #networkscience #stats #hpc #rstats https://ggvy.cl