io::stream is such a good interface. I really like streams. Did I write some streams today? I must write more streams!
@drewdevault I've recently packaged one small Hare project for Alpine and made a little contribution to it. my main language currently is Rust. impressed with how that project just builds instantly, weighs this little, *and* goes this fast through my filesystem. 4 seconds build including tests?? if I wrote it in Rust, even clap alone wouldn't get compiled in that time.
Everytime I have to work with the gpg command, I'm so close to start writing a openpgp implementation in #harelang
Finally the rewrite of the hare-tls record layer is showing some success. I've hacked https support into hare-http to see how it works.
Next step is to clean up the code and an initial release for the brave to try.
Note that there is no certificate validation at all. This will be my next focus, besides refactoring the other parts.
Немного низкоуровневой экзотики от Drew DeVault
С недавно прошедшей конференции FOSDEM 2023:
The Hare programming language: Hare enthusiasts meet-up
Hare is a systems programming language designed to be simple, stable, and robust. Hare uses a static type system, manual memory management, and a minimal runtime. It is well-suited to writing operating systems, system tools, compilers, networking software, and other low-level, high performance tasks.
Introducing Helios: A small, practical microkernel
Helios is a simple microkernel written in part to demonstrate the applicability of the Hare programming language to kernels. This talk briefly explains why Helios is interesting and is a teaser for a more in-depth talk in the microkernel room tomorrow.
Introducing Helios Micokernel: A small, practical microkernel
Helios is a simple microkernel written in part to demonstrate the applicability of the Hare programming language to kernels. This talk will introduce the design and rationale for Helios, address some details of its implementation, compare it with seL4, and elaborate on the broader plans for the system.
#hare #harelang #helios #microkernel #osdev #fosdem #fosdem2023
FOSDEM 2023: Introducing the Helios microkernel
Only knowing hare from a blogpost or two, this session was really very interesting. The philosophy of reliability and simplicity is sound and one I'm seriously longing for in programming. I'll be reading a new (for me) language spec on the train tonight. \m/
A Wayland UI demo from scratch in Hare, with a simple custom grid system, basic font shaping, pixbuf, hare-freetype2, hare-vec etc. Was a lot of fun to make. Source here:
I have reinvented hexdump, but worse
shoutout to haredoc(1)
Quantum fluctuations from the Hare spacetime continuum.