If you happen to own the cheap but amazing Behringer X-TOUCH mini #MIDI controller, you can use it to navigate in #Fiji 's #N5 #BigDataViewer plugin. The video is an older capture from when I was playing around with the controller but it work's exactly the same. The API works for all #MCU devices but you would have to provide the layout https://github.com/saalfeldlab/n5-viewer/blob/master/src/main/java/org/janelia/saalfeldlab/control/mcu/XTouchMiniMCUControlPanel.java (also, infinity VPots without physical min and max are useful for this). PRs welcome!
@mdickmanns That's true and I am wondering what kind of actions one could control with it. For this panel, I used the MCU protocol following this https://forum.bome.com/uploads/short-url/aX7AWqj6FpgMiEMQi0kACDDTSSi.pdf and my own reverse engineering session https://github.com/saalfeldlab/n5-utils/blob/flatlaf/doc/xtouchmini-mcu-midi-map.txt . I was mostly interested in the VPots, they are also buttons, you can press them to get into orthoslices. In #Paintera, we use the fader for brush size which feels useful.
@herrsaalfeld Great, thanks for sharing!
On the less useful side: there are MIDI guitars as well, right? 🤔