A new presentation on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to sea-level rise prepared for #COP27 by @Co2ley, @MarjolijnHaasnoot Elham Eli and I - with support from many, including Roshanka Ranasinghe and other WGI colleagues @bobkopp Saiful Islam and Karina Von Schuckmann
@Goneri @Co2ley @MarjolijnHaasnoot @bobkopp
Sounds interesting! Is there a written write-up you can share?
@hstenner @Co2ley @MarjolijnHaasnoot @bobkopp thank you for the feedback - do you mean the IPCC report? It includes all the statements there as well as a shorter fact sheet on sea-level rise https://www.ipcc.ch/report/sixth-assessment-report-working-group-ii/
@MarjolijnHaasnoot @Goneri @Co2ley @bobkopp
Thanks! I didn't realize it was part of the IPCC report. I appreciate you pointing me to the results within the report.
@hstenner @MarjolijnHaasnoot @Co2ley @bobkopp thank you, inbeach slide you can find the source. E.g. SPM.B.2 is statement B.2 of the summary for policy maker, AR6 WGII Ch3 is the chapter 3 of WGII, etc...