Killing heat, massive storms, drought, forest fires are not the result of "society" not the result of population, or "growth," or billionaires, or modern society.
Its carbon fuels. Oil is made of carbon, burning carbon adds two atoms to the carbon atom, oxygen atoms. C becomes a heavier, able to hold more heat, CO2.
We have a physics problem. It will kill us all.
We must build energy systems without carbon. So we stop adding CO2, because its burning Canada to ash, cooking Texans.
Oil is carbon, Coal is carbon, natural gas is carbon, propane is carbon. We get power from these but mking them "burn."
Burn is adding oxygen, oxygenation. If we burn carbon we make co2.
There are other forms of energy all around us. Sun falls onto us free, more energy lands on us everyday than we use from all sources.
Like oil just sitting there, we can collect sun light, just like we collect oil. Store it, ship it, sell it. Wind is waiting to be collected.
Build it now