Brey, if you had "leaders" who cared about "democracy" they'd be telling you to get in the damn streets, right now. You don't. So I don't want to talk about who I should "vote for" to protect "democracy" because I don't even think most of you know what those fucking words mean anymore.
When I say they're all shit, I'm not saying they're all the SAME; I'm saying none of them are gonna help us do what you and I both know, needs to be done. NONE of them are ending fascism or saving "democracy."
> This is not a democracy, so "our democracy" cannot be saved.
Problem is: most people don't even realise this.
In the western countries they'll say, "yeah, things aren't perfect, but look at these countries with authoritarian governments, it's not that bad here", and dismiss your words as propaganda by some foreign enemy.
What do you do to make people recognise reality?