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Nick boosted

Every version of the PuTTY tools from 0.68 to 0.80 inclusive has a critical vulnerability in the code that generates signatures from ECDSA private keys. Tthe effect of the vulnerability is to compromise the private key #infosec #security #ssh #opensource #linux #unix #windows

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Nick boosted
Nick boosted

Japan Declares AI Training Data Fair Game and ‘Will Not Enforce Copyright’

OpenAI, with help from Microsoft, announced an office in Japan. I see no connection between the two events. This battle to prevent the misuse of your work to train AI is already lost.

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This year is the 15th anniversary of the Miracle Whip social annotation layer for the World Wide Web.

It was 2009, Facebook was 5 years old and social media was the new hot trend.

What was the brand for a "mayonnaise like product" to do? Create a social annotation layer for the web that would collect all your data and had no moderation, of course.

15 years later, we know better, which is why every brand has a generative AI chat 🙃

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"The legal response to protest in the #UK has been transformed at an astonishing pace. Actions have been newly criminalised; locking on, walking slowly in the road. Crippling fines [are now in place] for, say, blocking certain roads or sitting down at oil terminals.

Existing crimes have been escalated, so that what once might have attracted a small fine, such as sitting down in a road, can now lead quickly to prison. Long custodial sentences are becoming normalised."

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I feel like the headline and subtitle of this Engadget article neatly sum up the contemporary movie industry.

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@rdviii so biologists are very active in doing this for “life”. And this is teaching us a lot. - for consciousness this quickly gets into the weeds of philosophy etc.

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Peter Denning's column in the March CACM, with a philosopher named B Scot Rousse, spends three pages telling us humans are special and LLMs can't match them.

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Worked through the taxes for the year; now to take a break before going back to check over everything.

Dreaming of the day the government just knows how much we paid, owe, and are due and skips this whole Intuit-funded nonsense. #USATaxes

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Nick boosted

It is IMPOSSIBLE to answer many of the things that the general public puts in front of social scientists and demands that we solve. Particularly when you work on social topics, people will ask you questions like: why is my boss mean, why doesn't government work, why am I sad.

When you build foundational theory it's too broad. When you do specific investigations it's too narrow. When you take some breather to talk technical shop you're accused of only talking to scientists and being unfeeling.

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Had brunch with a scientist friend who's an expert in one of the more exciting emerging areas of applied biology. She said:

"People are like why are you so tired. People don't understand that our brains are on FIRE for at least eight hours a day. This is biology's heyday and yet the worst time to be a scientist because we're expected to know a million new things a day and discarded if we don't. All the tools none of the humanity."

I felt the software developers I work with can relate

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If I am proving a theorem, then I like to pretend that the contrapositive of the theorem statement is self-evident. For if I did not like to pretend that the contrapositive of the theorem statement is self-evident, then I would be not proving a theorem.

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@TaliaRinger has helped put together a useful list of resources for #AI in #Mathematics, that was initiated during the National Academies workshop on "AI in mathematical reasoning" last year. This list is now publicly available at

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Since I didn't get any bites on this question before, let my make it easier by putting in the form of a poll (but comments welcome): When people use the terms "outer product" and "tensor product" how do the typical intended meanings relate?

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