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josemanuel boosted

Se busca profesor de FP de informática en Atocha, Madrid.

"PROFESOR CICLO FORMATIVO DE GRADO MEDIO Y SUPERIOR DE INFORMÁTICA; Imprescindible LDO. o GRADO EN TELECOMUNICACIÓN O INFORMÁTICA. MÁSTER DEL PROFESORADO O CAP, jornada y horario negociable con la empresa, contrato por todo el curso escolar. Interesados que cumplan perfil enviar C.V., nº DNI y nº de oferta 164"

josemanuel boosted

I am not myself free or human until or unless I recognize the freedom and humanity of all my fellowmen.
-- Mikhail Bakunin

#anarchism #quote #bot

Remember that old Latin dictum: “Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto?” In my case, there's one thing I do consider alien, and that's being afraid of the unknown, and especially of unknown, different people.

I'm reading a thread where someone is expressing their fear of a massive migration to Fedi from Twitter. It all feels xenophobic and egotistic. “I liked it when my world was just my own little bubble, but, with every expansion, it became less and less my own, and I hate that.”

Well, I don't. I like meeting new people, visting new places, listening to new languages and exposing myself to different points of view. And, yes, I still use the mute button more times than I'd care to count, because I'm also aware that 95% of everything is shit, but you have to expose yourself to it if you want to discover that 5% that's really worth it.

I despise people who are not open that way. You don't have to like everything (I certainly don't), but why would you preemptively close yourself to it? It feels narcissistic: “I have never left my tiny village, but it's obvious to me that there can be nothing better beyond its border walls.” Smol brain, if you ask me.

I feel an intense and instinctive dislike for winners. They are sellouts.

josemanuel boosted

Capitalism doesn't drive innovation, it crushes it. If this were driven by profit-seeking this design would have been kept secret for years--making worldwide collaboration impossible--while the copyright was put in place so a medical company could sell it at extortionate prices.

What's Bothering Me Today 🌹 🍊: This is socialism, and this is why it's a good thing. #Australia

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josemanuel boosted

RT David Sacks
Twitter & FB ban accounts. “It’s not censorship, you can create your own app.”

Then Google & Apple ban apps. “It’s not censorship, create your own website.”

Then Amazon bans web hosting. “It’s not censorship, create your own...”

What? Your own internet? Just so you can tweet? #Amazon #Google

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josemanuel boosted


Join a #FreeAssange action near you and online! Check updates and list your own actions @

TODAY, Sun 3rd Jan 2021 (D-1)

#GERMANY, Berlin
Pariser Platz 2 - 14:00 - 16:00

#GERMANY, Munich
Prof-Huber-Platz - 14:30 - 16:00

Museumplein (t.o. Consulaat VS) - 14:00 - 16:00

#CANADA, Toronto
British Consulate, 777 Bay Street #2800 - 10:00


josemanuel boosted
josemanuel boosted

Si quieres regalar libros. En Amazon no, por favor. Son más de 700 librerías independientes autoorganitzadas. Te envían el libro sin gastos de envío en 2 ó 3 días.

josemanuel boosted

The progress from an absolute to a limited monarchy, from a limited monarchy to a democracy, is a progress toward a true respect for the individual.
-- Henry David Thoreau

#anarchism #quote #bot

After having played 90+ hours, I have to say that Cyberpunk 2077 is a huge burning heap of trash, and there's no amount of patches that could change that, because the story sucks and V is either a cuck or an asshole with no choice in between.

josemanuel boosted

#XFCE 4.16 released!

I don't use XFCE anymore, but it has always been alright in my book.


> Hey you're using Google fonts hosted on Google servers.
>> You're right and it's fixed: Now they're on S3.

O... kay?

josemanuel boosted

folks here might be interested in, a community forum for diy audio and video started recently with a few friends:

"this forum was created as a friendly place to discuss diy video and audio projects, electronic-based art, and related interests. it is hosted on our own servers running discourse,, and peertube, and is intended as a refuge from large corporate social media sites. as a community run space, we hope to facilitate sharing of information and encouragement among newcomers and old schoolers alike."

josemanuel boosted
it's #fridey, you know what that means. this fridey it's the #comfyclub vaguely christmas movie night over at @ 2100 UTC

tonight we'll be watching Tokyo Godfathers, should be gud~
josemanuel boosted
You can't eliminate learning curves by means of UI abstractions. There's still a learning curve, you just set a ceiling for how much someone can learn.

This is why UIs that obscure what's going on tend to be just as much of a pain as UIs that try to tell you what's happening, and why those UIs are annoying to people that know what they're covering up. You're not speaking the same language the business logic is speaking, you're clicking your way through a limited dialect that makes it difficult to express yourself.
josemanuel boosted

Is there any Apple II emulator for Linux that supports copy-and-paste, so I can easily input short BASIC programs? I don't see support for it in MAME, linapple (which I can't get fully working anyway), or the otherwise lovely Apple ][js

I just realised I tend to follow people in pairs, like and @ocean, or @mametsuko and @wish.

I guess I enjoy watching people interact with each other more than, you know, them speaking into the void.

josemanuel boosted

Pienso en próximos eventos como el #Flisol #Flisol2021.
¿Y si organizamos en España un evento online sobre instalaciones y programas de Software Libre para el próximo año?
¿Nos liamos la manta a la cabeza?
¿Quién se apunta?

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