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I've been having trouble with qoto lately, so I've created an alt at I don't plan on closing this one, but I will probably start using the other one more. You don't have to follow me there if you don't want to. This is more like a PSI.

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I'm trying to improve my Japanese by replying to everyone whose posts I understand with what I hope is both a grammatically correct and coherent reply. If you got one and can read this, please forgive me if they're neither. I don't mean to bother you or anything. My Japanese is just that terrible.

josemanuel boosted

Folks remembering #AaronSwartz today - remember that he was moving publicly-funded research out from behind a paywall.

Then remember the only reason the case went forward is because federal prosecutors, specifically Carmen Ortiz and Stephen Heymann, wanted to make an example of him.

“Theft is theft, and it doesn’t matter if you use a crowbar or a computer” were Heymann’s words at the time.

Notice how federal prosecutors aren’t bullying Sam Altman for the wholesale theft of content network-wide, to build a machine that spews bullshit and further destroys our ability to determine the truth?

It’s because he’s doing it for private profit, while Aaron worked for the public good.

Never let yourself be tricked into believing the legal system is a justice system.

josemanuel boosted

I've been having trouble with qoto lately, so I've created an alt at I don't plan on closing this one, but I will probably start using the other one more. You don't have to follow me there if you don't want to. This is more like a PSI.

josemanuel boosted has 6 countries past the threshold and it's slowly but surely creeping towards a 7th country passing the threshold. Ireland and Belgium are notably close, both at around 85%.

Once a 7th country hits its threshold we just need to hit a total of 1 million signatures, currently we're about 39% of the way there.

I repost this awesomeness because I'm ten years old, mentally-wise.

Camellia Tea Ceremony  
A few more tanuki putting their scrotums to good use. #folklore #tanuki #ukiyoe #狸 #浮世絵 #Japan #raccoondogs
josemanuel boosted
josemanuel boosted
Hi fedi :neocat:

Am looking for a fitness watch type device that works without proprietary software. That means no Google Play Service, no proprietary app that only runs on Windows.

A free app hosted on F-Droid or something similarly free that runs on Linux would be ideal, but if the watch itself has like a button to start/stop a workout and then it displays heart rate stats for that time period that would be fine too.

(If it can also vibrate as an alarm clock that'd be great but that's definitely in the "bonus feature" category, and not a hard requirement)
josemanuel boosted

¡Seguimos reclutando gente! Ahora buscamos alguien de administración de sistemas Linux


josemanuel boosted

the dadaist branch of reality where someone with pronouns in profile says a software license is just words and has no consequences.


Why do some people have such ridiculous takes on things? Billionaires are arseholes. Why? Could it be, I don't know, capitalism? Money? Greed? No, it must be technology that brings out “the very, very worst in humans”. I mean, everybody knows that Dennis Ritchie, Don Knuth, Alan McKay, Don Woods or Whitfield Diffie (look them up) are LITERALLY HITLER.

Gerry McGovern  
Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg and X owner Elon Musk are "the worst polluters in human history", Stephen Fry has said. "You and your children cannot bre...

Seeing disappear will be a huge blow to the Fediverse. It was a wonderful community full of awesome people. I feel especially sad for Louis, who is a great admin and human being.

josemanuel boosted
josemanuel boosted
josemanuel boosted

Buenas, 🙋‍♀️

¿Tenéis planes para el sábado 14? 👇

Por si os apetece venir a conocernos y pasar un día celebrando nuestro séptimo encuentro agroecológico, aquí va un adelanto de la #LaFeriaDeLaCSA de este año. 😊

Como siempre, tendremos música, talleres, la comida popular y un #mercado #artesano.

Seguiremos informando.

¡Liberad vuestras agendas! 🤗

Literally the argument users have been making for decades now: nothing moves in your system without your explicit knowledge and consent, and every configuration is stored in easily editable text files. We detest opacity.

In a way, Arch is easier than Debian. Sure, with Arch you have to do everything yourself. But that means you're the only one messing with it. You ...
josemanuel boosted

Good news everyone! The surgery was successful and I'll be working on my open source project soon!

Anyway it is always better to work as a group. And I'm always welcome persons willing to help with any project at

#opensource #GitHub #commonlisp

josemanuel boosted

Anybody up for playtesting an Interactive Fiction Competition entry? I realise it's getting close to the deadline, but it's not a long game and it would be great to have just one more person take a look at it!
#IFComp #IFComp2024 #InteractiveFiction #gamedev

josemanuel boosted
josemanuel boosted

We are seeking to hire 3 experienced investigative reporters for our expanding DC Bureau to cover politics, power and the inner workings of the federal government.

Details, including salary range, here:

josemanuel boosted

Guy Debord: "The first stage of the economy's domination of social life brought about an evident degradation of being into having––human fulfillment was no longer equated with what one was, but what one possessed.

The reigning economic system is a vicious circle of isolation. Its technologies are based on isolation, and they contribute to that same isolation. From automobiles to television, the goods that the spectacular system chooses to produce also serve it as weapons for constantly reinforcing the conditions that engender "lonely crowds."

The spectacle was born from the world's loss of unity, and the immense expansion of the modern spectacle reveals the enormity of this loss."

Debord's The Society of the Spectacle (PM Press Edition) is available now!

#books #bookstodon

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