Buenas, 🙋♀️
¿Tenéis planes para el sábado 14? 👇
Por si os apetece venir a conocernos y pasar un día celebrando nuestro séptimo encuentro agroecológico, aquí va un adelanto de la #LaFeriaDeLaCSA de este año. 😊
Como siempre, tendremos música, talleres, la comida popular y un #mercado #artesano.
Seguiremos informando.
¡Liberad vuestras agendas! 🤗
Literally the argument #slackware users have been making for decades now: nothing moves in your system without your explicit knowledge and consent, and every configuration is stored in easily editable text files. We detest opacity.
Good news everyone! The surgery was successful and I'll be working on my open source project soon!
Anyway it is always better to work as a group. And I'm always welcome persons willing to help with any project at https://github.com/40ants
Anybody up for playtesting an Interactive Fiction Competition entry? I realise it's getting close to the deadline, but it's not a long game and it would be great to have just one more person take a look at it!
#IFComp #IFComp2024 #InteractiveFiction #gamedev
Privacy Browser PC 0.6.1 has been released.
We are seeking to hire 3 experienced investigative reporters for our expanding DC Bureau to cover politics, power and the inner workings of the federal government.
Details, including salary range, here:
Guy Debord: "The first stage of the economy's domination of social life brought about an evident degradation of being into having––human fulfillment was no longer equated with what one was, but what one possessed.
The reigning economic system is a vicious circle of isolation. Its technologies are based on isolation, and they contribute to that same isolation. From automobiles to television, the goods that the spectacular system chooses to produce also serve it as weapons for constantly reinforcing the conditions that engender "lonely crowds."
The spectacle was born from the world's loss of unity, and the immense expansion of the modern spectacle reveals the enormity of this loss."
Debord's The Society of the Spectacle (PM Press Edition) is available now! https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_detail&p=1655
Would you get into self-hosting if I managed your server for you?
I am willing to offer fully managed FreedomBox servers if there is enough interest. I want commitment from at least 10 people to kick-start the service.
Here is my pitch:
If you are interested in this, please DM me your email address. I will send an update once I am ready.
Please note that this service is an idea right now. I can set it up in a few days.
Please boost!
Muere a los 93 años la escritora Edna O'Brien, censurada y tildada de pornógrafa en Irlanda
> La autora de novelas como 'Las chicas de campo' reivindicaba la independencia de las mujeres en un ambiente tan hostil y ultracatólico como la Irlanda de los años sesenta
Leer más en El Confidencial
#libros #books #Booktodon #Bookstodon #literaverso #literatura #escritoras
1. OTD 8 years ago, #WikiLeaks revealed the internal emails of the US Democrats' governing body: #DNC. They allowed revealing how the #DNC rather than remaing neutral in the primaries,as it was supposed to be,boycotted the left-wing candidate #Sanders and favored #HillaryClinton
Here's an academic survey on sustainability of music technology, being conducted by a Master's student who consulted me while planning the project. (To be clear: not my formal advisee, I'm not actually a real academic anymore, but one never completely escapes.) If you're a user of synthesizers etc. - and I know there are a number of such in this place, as well as "sustainability" fans - it'd be nice if you could fill it out and circulate it. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YG33FX2
Political freedom without economic equality is a pretense, a fraud, a lie; and the workers want no lying.
-- Mikhail Bakunin
Privacy Browser PC 0.6 has been released.
While this is obviously an exaggeration, it is not too far from my own experience. I have two monitors at work, of which I use only one (the other is for pasting post-its). When someone asks me why I don’t use both, my response is always the same: “I can resize and minimise windows just fine. And if I ever need to see two things at once, I have tmux for that.” I would like to have a bigger monitor, though, because old age takes its toll on one’s sight.
I don't vote, because I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain.
-- George Carlin
Please reboost!
Trying something new, everyone is guaranteed an interview! Open interviews! For a limited time no one will be skipped (except for clear cases of abuse).
So we still have about 10 more 100% remote positions to hire for full-time market-fair positions here at QOTO/CleverThis.
100% remote, work from anywhere, even the beach, market-fair offers. Ethics first, we treat our people like family.
We have an urgent need for Machine learning experts with a background in NLP and Deep Learning (Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks). There is a focus on Knowledge Graphs, Mathematics, Java, C, looking for Polyglots.
We are an open-source first company, we give back heavily to the OSS community.
We need everything from jr to sr, data scientist to programmer. If your IT and your good, you might be a fit.
I will personally be both your direct boss, and hiring manager. I am also the founder and inventor.
The NLP position can be found at this link, other positions can be found on the menu bar on the left:
If you would like to submit yourself for an interview, which for a limited time I am guaranteeing you will get a first stage interview, then you can submit your application here, and even schedule your interview as you apply, instantly!
For those of you who cant schedule during core hours you can schedule in my free time if you’d like a chance (the company doesnt have fixed hours):
#Fedihire #NLP #MachineLearning #Job #jobs #hiring #Programming #IT #AI #AGI #KnowledgeGraphs #semanticweb #ML #ChatGPT
In a world that is buckling under the weight of profit making, that is overrun by the destructive sirens of Techno-science and the power hunger of globalization -- that new brand of slavery -- beyond all that, friendship exists, love exists.
-- Henri Cartier-Bresson