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Advent of Code - Day 12: Hill Climbing Algorithm 

Paths? Where we're going, we don't need paths.

Karlo boosted

Four years after Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa said he'd lead a crew of artists and other creative types on a Starship trip around the moon, the crew members have finally been named. Will these folks fly in a year's time, or will it be more like another four years? Or never? #dearmoon #Starship

Karlo boosted

Day 8: Treetop Tree House

Invisible trees shrink and trees with a good view grow

Iterative one-liner:

with open("input") as f: print( (lambda line, size: min([i+size if all([line[i:i+size].count(c)==1 for c in line[i:i+size]]) else len(line) for i in range(len(line))]))(f.readline(), 4) )

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recursive one-liner for day 6:

with open("input") as f: print( (recursion := lambda line, i, size: i+size if all([line[i:i+size].count(c)==1 for c in line[i:i+size]]) else recursion(line, i+1, size))(f.readline(), 0, 4) )


@freemo Nice!
I assume that is the percentage of instances. It would be useful to see the percentage of users in the fediverse who are in instances that are in the UFoI. Maybe later when UFoI gains more momentum. You can find more content by following related hashtags, for example I have a gamedev-related follow list with tags: gamedev, godot, godotengine, indiedev, gamejam, procedural, screenshotsaturday.

Karlo boosted

can "dream" about an interactable virtual machine that runs Linux. Further, it can connect to an imagined web and dream about the OpenAI chat assistant website. There, the imagined chat assistant can generate text answering the user inputs.
This sounds like the beginnings of .

Karlo boosted

A nice write-up of my #NeurIPS paper by GT Communications staff:

"An unexpected discovery by Mark Riedl & his collaborators"

TL;DR: We modified an RL system to make it more explainable. It made the base RL work better.

(Also I appreciate that they used an image that makes me look younger)

Karlo boosted

the modes of oscillation for a sphere- the spherical harmonics. (closely related to the shapes of atomic orbitals)

@freemo It is a bit disappointing and concerning that a low effort troll could create such a problem in the fediverse 😕

Karlo boosted

Some 4K wallpaper that I yoinked and cleaned up a little bit, from one of the #artemis livestreams this morning: #nasa

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Babe, wake up, a new #JWST image just dropped.

Light from the protostar L1527 escapes above and below an edge-on protoplanetary disk (the dark line at the center of the image), creating an hourglass shape. This illuminates the cavities carved as ejected material from the star collides with the surrounding, dusty nebula.

Dust scatters shorter wavelengths of light, so blue areas are where the dust is thinner and orange areas are where the dust is more dense.


Karlo boosted

This week, the world’s human #population is expected to reach 8B. About 109B people have lived and died. Each grain of sand represents 10M.

Spectacular #data visualization of human life on Earth by Max Roser #science

Hi! Is each node a user, and each connection if one is following the other?
If it is not a hassle, could you send me the data, so I could play with it before trying to do something similar myself :D

Karlo boosted

I love how my mastodon timeline now looks like my well curated twitter timeline used to. :D

now the only thing i need is the frequency filter. what's that? glad you didn't ask! the frequency filter is a slider that live-filters toots of high frequency posters in the timeline, to reveal only the toots of people who post less than once a week or so.

this way i can, with the help of a simple slider, alternate between reading a live, short term feed, and a retained, long term feed.

Karlo boosted
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.