¿No sabes qué vajilla comprar? ¿Qué te parece una irrompible y, ahora, fabricada por una cooperativa?
Duralex, saved from bankruptcy, becomes a Scop
The internet can be homophobic.
The internet can be racist.
Most fediverse developers have privilege.
We have a responsibility to use that privilege to build a better, more inclusive online space.
Let's start listening to marginalized voices, amplify their experiences, and work together to create a Fediverse where everyone feels safe and welcome.
It’s been a minute since I have been in the #mastodon world.
I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 2 clear cell renal carcinoma. I’m 32 years old and soon to be 33. I was given the “go home and don’t come back convo” from my oncologist which is great.
My first scans on May 31st were clean, and my next ones are October 31st. Would love to connect with other #cancer folks here if there are any.
If this doesn’t apply to you, that’s fine, but boost if you can ❤️👏🏻❗️
@NanoRaptor as an European I always thought that "quiet quitting" meant "do the bare minimum for not getting fired". I was surprised when I realized that American colleagues defined it as "do your job but without enthusiasm", this is what I just called "working"
no no, not a teams meeting, it's a meet meeting. on google meet. it might be called duo for you? i sent you a hangouts to the drive link on messages. no no not your gmail inbox, it's under "all mail", not every email goes to the inbox, haha. or if you're using the classic mode it might be under meetups or promotions. yeah where the chats used to be, before they made google voice an RCS thing. have you got it from google play? no not the green one, the new one with the multicoloured icon. you can only use the green one with legacy members. ok so the problem is you're on workspace for business, it's under google one basic now. did you try quick sharing it? no see you can't use it on a tablet, only a phone or laptop, unless you want the plus features, that only works on phones of course. honestly the easiest way from here is through the docs plugin, unless you wanna family share if you can do vowifi
Beyond Hypermodern: Python is easy now
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://rdrn.me/postmodern-python/
Hoy he estado en una oficina de consumo por un asunto que no viene al caso y he visto una oficina enteramente equipada con equipos informáticos que consistían en una raspberry enchufada a un monitor.
Bien por usar linux, pero hay una historia de escasez y un funcionario manitas detrás de eso y me gustaría conocerla.
Una reflexión que nadie solicita pero no por ello deja de constatar la realidad: dejemos las redes sociales algorítmicas privadas ya. El odio no es consustancial a las redes sociales, solamente a aquellas que lo favorecen expresamente.
Otrosí: dejad de usar en presentaciones al público ordenadores con sistemas operativos propietarios, fallan demasiado y nunca van bien. Un portátil más modesto con un SO libre funciona mejor y da ejemplo virtuoso.
(Vivido en la #RCESA2024)
Según Esquire, estos son los 75 mejores libros de ciencia ficción de todos los tiempos. Es una lista bastante variada, y con mayor nivel de diversidad que en otros casos. a ver que os parece, (y por supuesto si tenéis más libros del género que os molen y os parezcan mejores, comentad).
Por ejemplo, De Le Guin a mi me gusta más Los Desposeidos, pero entiendo que es cuestión de gustos.
#AaronSwartz killed himself because he scraped research data and they aggressively prosecuted him.
Now #AI companies say they should scrape our data for free.
The Entrebarris collective from #Valencia is starting an informative action towards tourists visiting the city:
Trabajo de Científico de Datos, sea lo que sea eso, pero he llevado muchas caretas distintas. Hice un doctorado en Aprendizaje Automático, y reconozco que me gusta, pero lo que siempre me ha emocionado ha sido el arte y la literatura.
Leo (bastante), escribo (poquito, pero he publicado una novela), camino, escucho música y me encanta ir al cine.
Foto de perfil: yo sonriendo con gorra y los ojos medio cerrados por el sol.
Foto de fondo: un nudo marinero en una cornamusa.
Data Scientist. PhD in Machine Learning. Developer. I have a past in Bioinformatics. Usually playing with R, Python and other languages. Wish I could be younger to learn Rust or Elixir.
Hobbies: reading, writing, walking, music, movies.
Profile photo: it's me smiling with my eyes half closed due to direct sunlight.