computers poster. I want people to realize computers could be radically different and better if we could just wrest them from the control of people who want to make money with them. I want phones to be extensions of agency, not ad faucets with apps that get worse
concrete steps I advocate: abandon #UNIX, #filesystems, IP, and #web browsers; recognize where OSes need compilers; build #capability -based, distributed-first OS and networks based on public-key addressing (#yggdrasil)
@migratory I feel like I'm largely on the same page, but I'm curious about some of the details of the things you're concerned about. I'm 100% interested in capability systems (#sel4 , #kataos ) and having computers as actual / reliable agents of the user.
I'm not nearly as clear on the objections you have to filesystems or IP (as in IPv4 / IPv6? networks), which seem less clearly related.
If you meant IP in the sense of "Intelectual Property", I'm curious if your objection is to copyright, patents, and/or trademarks, and if those objections are fundamental, or merely to the implementation of those concepts in practice?
@migratory I have challenges with all of them to some degree or another, but I agree that copyright is the most problematic.
Copyright was an interesting idea about how to integrate capitalism and creative work / culture / the commons in the context where it was easy to copy ideas, but it is clear that the capitalism side has crushed the culture side at this point, and it seems like the default answer is to double-down, rather than work to fix it.
I really appreciate the copyleft approach of using the copyright system to try to _enforce_ a commons, and I'm hopeful, if not optimistic, about the lawsuit, which will be an interesting test of whether courts will actually respect those copyrights as they would more obviously commercial copyrights.