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Liessa boosted

Social media mentions/Trade union advocacy 

Given the mass layoffs at #twitter and the potential loss of 11,000 jobs at #Meta I feel that there is no better time than now for employees within the #TechSector to consider the possibility of becoming unionised to ensure job security and fair representation

Liessa boosted

De geheime diensten kunnen nooit genoeg en moeten altijd meer... Volgens de geheime diensten dan. In de derde aflevering van onze podcast vertelt @Lot_ten je over de trends die zij ziet in de nieuwe 'Cyberwet'.
Luister via onze website 😉

Liessa boosted
Liessa boosted
Liessa boosted

Ableism thoughts 

Thinking of the self perpetuating #Ableism of how when yer disabled /chronically ill your often less "productive" and spaces less designed to help you contribute as you might.

This means if your needs ever clash with the status quo your always the expendable one.

Even asking for a space to be actively inclusive or simply not actively exclusive is seen as a hostile act.

One reason I like the inclusive approach/culture on this site that Ive seen so far. #Disability #MECFS

Liessa boosted

Being #disabled means that I have to fill out a lot of excess paperwork & deal with a lot of bureaucratic processes that sucks up my time & energy that could be spent better elsewhere.

#Disability #Neurodiversity #Ableism

Liessa boosted

For all it's advantages and faults, #Mastodon was not built to be a *new* Twitter. It was built to be *not* Twitter.

That distinction is important.

Liessa boosted

For academics it is going to be important to search for DOI's on this platform. This means we will need to be able to put a hashtag in front of a DOI. As identified by @mike and @rmounce this is currently not possible. Indicate your support for this new feature request on the Mastodon github page: and boost to reach a wider audience.

Liessa boosted

Woah - German government has got its own Mastodon instance and most of the ministries and many agencies already have accounts.
Verification problem at least partially solved - just need to check the domain is right!
I've also seen newspapers like set up instances themselves. Looks like verification will be worked out sooner or later.

Liessa boosted

Ok, let me try this post as an #introduction here on Mastodon. Hi everyone, I am Gabriel Ugueto and I am a professional #artist who creates #paleoart and #sciart who specializes in illustrating both #extinct and #extant tetrapods. Here are a few recent examples of my work.
I am also a #herpetologist so I probably will be sharing a lot of stuff here about #amphibians #reptiles, and yes the latter includes #birds 😋
Have a bit of patience with me while I figure Mastodon out

Liessa boosted

BREAKING: In alle vijf de staten waar het recht op abortus op de agenda stond bij de verkiezingen hebben kiezers pro-choice gestemd, ook in de overwegend conservatieve staten Montana en Kentucky.


Not on most radars but Montanas have effectively voted to confirm its constitution's protections of abortion [privacy] rights.#Montana

Liessa boosted


Op 28 september heeft de toezegging gedaan een indicatieve berekening te maken van het aantal patiënten met #LongCovid
We zijn nu 6 (!) weken verder.
Wat is het probleem?
- Personeelstekort?
- De berekening zelf?
- De gevolgen van de uitkomst?
- .....


Liessa boosted

Most psychologists are oblivious to the way psych factors are often used as a basis to dismiss actual physical illnesses, such as #LongCovid or #MECFS.

People report symptoms only to be told they are suffering from 'anxiety'.

This is especially likely when certain criteria are met (e.g. when patient is female).

More probs arise when psych theories are used as basis for treatment.

This #humanrights travesty arises from #psychology #overreach.

I explain this here:

Liessa boosted
Liessa boosted

Dat er niets in je agenda staat betekent niet dat je tijd hebt

Liessa boosted

Mastodon will update to 4.0 soon! Here are the most exciting new features (in addition to fixes & changes):

- ability to follow hashtags
- ability to filter by language
- ability to translate posts
- ability to post HEIC files (i.e. your iPhone’s native photo format)
- define user roles (big deal for admins)
- define sign-up process on your Instance (admins again)

See all changes here:

Thanks, @Gargron and @Mastodon Team. #Mastodon4

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.