“There are no rules to keep that oil in the ground, so we can't save the world by playing by the rules because the rules have to change.” | https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/10/20/teen-climate-activist-crowd-thousands-we-cant-save-world-playing-rules-because-rules
Along with their latest dire predictions, the world’s leading climate scientists offered a new path forward - but will anyone take it? - https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/10/18/the-hope-at-the-heart-of-the-apocalyptic-climate-change-report/amp/
Melting glacier in China draws tourists, climate worries | https://www.apnews.com/1227c98709d24a5a921def3463655f6e
Climate Code Red: IPCC's political fix on 1.5°C will undermine its credibility | http://www.climatecodered.org/2018/08/ipccs-political-fix-on-15c-will.html?m=1
As U.S. fertility rates collapse, finger-pointing and blame follow - https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2018/10/19/as-us-fertility-rates-collapse-finger-pointing-and-blame-follow.html
BP says oil at $80 a barrel is “unhealthy for the world” | https://qz.com/1429680/bps-ceo-bob-dudley-says-oil-prices-are-too-high/
Can we save energy, jobs and growth at the same time ? | https://youtube.com/watch?v=wGt4XwBbCvA
Why isn’t the media covering climate change all day, every day? - https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/why-isnt-the-media-covering-climate-change-all-day-every-day/2018/10/16/91fef576-d09d-11e8-8c22-fa2ef74bd6d6_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.495dec2becd6
CO2 - the great invisible garbage patch - tracks humanity's total economic activity
In fact, an atmospheric chemist at Mauna Loa could easily calculate economic production
For the past 100 years, each 1 ppm rise in CO2 means we've added 585 billion (2005) dollars of World GDP https://t.co/xZA0NA6HG2 https://twitter.com/nephologue/status/1053326409270124544
Tropical deforestation now emits more CO2 than the EU | https://news.mongabay.com/2018/10/tropical-deforestation-now-emits-more-co2-than-the-eu/
You can only stop CO2 emissions if... well, if you stop CO2 emissions? Stop driving, stop flying, stop shipping, stop burning down forests, ... you get the idea. | https://m.phys.org/news/2018-10-bad-news-co2-emissions-iea.html
"Most of the Limits to Growth’s original conclusions still hold true. While this is scientifically satisfactory, for societies it’s not," | https://www.stockholmresilience.org/research/research-news/2018-10-17-a-smarter-scenario.html
Gloomy 1970s predictions about Earth’s fate still hold true | https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07117-2
Insects Are Rapidly Disappearing Around The World, Leaving Scientists Horrified - https://www.sciencealert.com/puerto-rico-forest-insect-biodiversity-loss-60-fold-terrifying-climate-change
Stephen Hawking: Humans need to leave Earth or risk being annihilated by nuclear war or climate change - from a collection of essays that were published this week. - https://www.businessinsider.com/stephen-hawking-humans-leave-earth-or-be-annihilated-2018-10?r=US&IR=T
@Peters_Glen @jasonhickel @KevinClimate @JKSteinberger These scenarios are so crazy. How can anyone imagine we'll be collectively >10 times richer per capita in a world >4 C warmer. Does no one point this out? https://twitter.com/nephologue/status/1052945070012256257
Front page of #germany’s top business daily @handelsblatt today: “the eco lie - how politicians and industry are squandering Germany’s role as #climate protection pioneer” #energiewende #cop24 https://t.co/1pvnLxVF5f https://twitter.com/segenter/status/1053184726914289664
Water Management For Every Permaculture Farm
https://t.co/Cdd9NaJxQS #Permaculture #Water #Design https://t.co/jVJOinmMia https://twitter.com/permapprentice/status/1053198707729010688
New outlook on global warming: Best prepare for social collapse, and soon |
CO2 emissions to rise in 2018, says IEA chief | https://m.phys.org/news/2018-10-bad-news-co2-emissions-iea.html
We live in a finite planet.
Read the book: bit.ly/1n8EMMP.
Run the model: bit.ly/2KN2qP1.