Thoughts on AI’s Impact on Scholarly Communications? An Interview with ChatGPT
By Todd A Carpenter
The 2022 Global Traffic Scorecard provides four years of mobility data for a more granular and holistic analysis of mobility within the world’s most-congested areas. It provides travel delay comparisons, collision trends, downtown trips and speeds based on the unique commuting patterns within each metro area. Fuel prices were also measured more in-depth in the 2022 Scorecard given the global nature of oil markets and its effect on transportation and the broader economy...
The tell-tale signs of a troublesome board
Not a caterpillar - On a frosty May morning, a group of European Bee-eaters perched on a branch gave the impression of a caterpillar at first glance. The vibrant colours of their feathers, with shades of green, blue, and yellow, seemed to blend together and create a fluffy, caterpillar-like appearance. It's also a winning image in Adult Category of European Wild Wonders photo competition, November 2011. José Luis Rodríguez
On en parle depuis longtemps, mais rarement sur la base d'estimations fiables. Désormais, nous savons combien coûtent les frais de publication pour la France (30M€ par an!) et nous avons une estimation crédible des tendances pour les dix prochaines années.
RT @ouvrirlascience
Combien coûtent les APC ?
Le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche publie une étude qui chiffre les coûts générés par les frais de publ…
Webinar Recording: DSpace Fundamentals
Refresh or expand your knowledge on fundamental DSpace concepts
Mieux comprendre et accompagner l'usage des identifiants numériques des contributeurs de la recherche notamment ORCID en France.
Enquête à laquelle vous êtes invités à répondre
#DOAJ is hiring!
Closing date: 13th Jan (that's this Friday)
✔️ I want boring things like public transit that comes so regularly I don't need to check a schedule.
✔️ I want fast passenger rail so accessible and easy it's preferable to suffering airports.
✔️ I want cities that aren't built around cars-as-default
✔️ I want the country to own it.
Supernormal Stimuli: How the Internet, Junk Food, and Porn Hijacked Our Brains
@dailybug @pluralistic probably the key to solve all humanity's problems right now:
«There’s a problem when you have threats on your horizon where the cause and effect are separated by a lot of time and space. The natural point at which denial gives way to concern is past the point of no return. So what you want to do is shift the moment of peak denial further back so that you’ve got more runway to do something about it.»
Strikes me we really need a better terminology for retractions. Because honest error shouldn’t be thrown in the same bin as deliberate falsehood.
Unless we honour the honourable retraction we promote science-for-glory over science-for-knowledge.
HT @ElisabethBik on Twitter
"In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."
A season (meteorologically and culturally) for Camus
Reproducibility *and* a really entertaining read:
Things could be better
by Adam Mastroianni Ethan Ludwin-Peery
Experienced practitioner of info & library management, research publishing, teaching & learning, and knowledge workflows. Live adventurously!