An einen sonnigen morgen geht Putler auf den Balkon und sagt: "Guten morgen Sonne". Die Sonne antwortet: "Guten morgen Vladimir Putin, grosser Anführer, Beschützer des Mutterlandes und der Ukraine".
Am Abend sagt er wiederum: "bis Bald Sonne" ...

RT @lugeration
Offener Brief

Sehr geehrter Herr @Bundeskanzler,

am 20.01.2023 findet das nächste Meeting im sogenannten Ramstein Format statt. Eine wichtige Zusammenkunft, nicht nur in den Augen der Ukraine, nein die westliche Welt sieht und hört an diesem Tage genau hin.


RT @bayraktar_1love
A fact that you must realize as soon as possible... your choice of "neutrality", is killing people, every day, every hour, every minute...
@swiss_un @SwitzerlandOSCE

RT @CliffW08950229
Republican campaign strategy.

RT @AlinaMilic
Come on! Where are you ? All the righteous of the world? My favorite moralists? "Not all Russians are bad", "art is outside of politics". Go to the Dnipro, tell the people who dig up the bodies of their relatives from the rubble about negotiations, about compromise!

RT @DefenceU
I curse you to the seventh generation.

RT @DentonMasih
@AhComfy @echomike001 If you have your own cow I guess. Did it die from laughing at your arguments.

RT @oleksiireznikov
A decision has been made: will receive Challenger 2 tanks.
This was agreed upon by President @ZelenskyyUa & Prime Minister @RishiSunak
With NATO-style tanks, we will move towards victory much faster.
Grateful to His Majesty's Cabinet, especially to my colleague@BWallaceMP

RT @propeertys
To jest rakieta użyta dzisiaj przeciwko zwykłemu blokowi w . Masa głowicy bojowej 1 tona wydajnego materiału wybuchowego RDX (heksogen). Pierwotnie zaprojektowany w latach 60. XX wieku do atakowania lotnisk . Ale Rosjanie postanowili użyć przeciwko ludności cywilnej

RT @apmassaro3
Meanwhile, Germany STILL debates sending tanks. We STILL refuse to send ATACMS. We can stop this Russian evil and all we have to do is give Ukraine what it needs to win

RT @Rio990
Schreckliche Geräusche …

RT @berlin_bridge
Chancellor Scholz's excuses for not sending MBTs have fallen apart. Months of time & lives have been lost. It's time to put this debate to rest &

RT @RaulWolfBruning
Varwick ist Teil eines antiwestlichen Netzwerkes - und der Zuspruch aus diesem Millieu wird immer lauter.

RT @grahworin
Putin on trial in the Hague (by Midjourney AI)

RT @intermarium24
Cat comforts friend after they were rescued from freezing on the streets of Ukraine.

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