Streptopelia decaocto
Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication.
The Streptopelia decaocto is the bird that is said to have " wanted to conquer the world". Hence the high degree of adaptability in lowland, hilly or mountainous areas, from villages to the busiest cities. Thanks to the intelligence of adaptation and survival, the Streptopelia decaocto lives around 20 years.
Anyway, with the song " gu-gu-Pike "(an onomatopoeia called in English" koo-koo-kook"), this winged one does nothing but defend its territory and try to attract a pair!
The names in current use, over time, only partially correspond to scientific distinctions between species. The koo-koo-kook is also called Eurasian Turtledove, Turtledove Turtledove or Turkish pigeon.
Its scientific name, Streptopelia decaocto, comes from the Latin words "streptos" (meaning "collar") + "peleia" (meaning "Dove"), and "decaocto" (meaning "eighteen"in Latin).
The number 18 here has its origin in an ancient Greek legend, in which a poor girl was paid for her work, each year, with only 18 coins. She would have prayed to the gods to make known to the whole world the minuscule amount of money that her mistress gave her, and as a result, Zeus would have created the koo-koo-kook, a bird that cries all the time "deca-octo" (gu-gu-Pike).
According to another ancient legend, Decaocto was a servant who was converted into such a turtleneck by the deities because he refused to pay his annual fee consisting of 18 coins.
In a Christian legend, the Streptopelia decaocto is associated with the thirst that engulfed Christ nailed to the cross. A Roman soldier wanted to buy him a bowl of milk that cost 18 Coins, but he only had 17. Because he was unable to quench the Saviour's thirst, he was cursed and turned into a Streptopelia decaocto, the bird that constantly repeats the number eighteen (deca-octo).
You, Streptopelia decaoctos, who came to us, we love you because the whole universe conspired to meet you. We are sorry that the meeting was extremely short, because of the predator who chased you and hurt you. Thank you!

A forest does not grow on trees.
Throughout history, trees have been considered sacred and honored, due to their association with the celestial realms, being considered as gateways to other dimensions.
Trees embody the maximum "from top to bottom" . Their deeply rooted roots in the soil and leaves looking skyward are mediators between dark soil and bright sky. This represents Crann Bethadh, the" Tree of life " in Celtic mythology. Also, the roots of trees can feel the acoustic vibrations of water in the soil. They can do this even if there is no moisture in the soil. This means that trees are sensitive to sounds.
Trees teach us to stay on earth even when we ascend to greatness.
In fact, they provide us with clean air, shade, food, as well as habitats essential to the world's wildlife. Their power manifests itself as the air we breathe. Trees teach us a lot about life; they remind us to be grateful, making us realize that the things that really matter are those that are right in front of us. No matter who you are, a tree will give you shade and respite whenever you need it.
Trees have souls and are inhabited by spirits trying to communicate with us.
Tree species, like humans and animals, exhibit different attitudes and "personalities". Some trees, such as beech trees, are bullies, willows are lonely and unshakable. Oaks act as a family and generally trees act as tribes and protect themselves in their own way. What is fascinating is that healthy trees can support their "babies" or weaker members of the "community" by providing them with the necessary nutrients.
Building a network means having communication channels, which is actually a kind of language, the language of trees. Underground, there is the world of infinite biological pathways that connect trees to each other and allow them to communicate.
The forest behaves as if it were a single organism. It can be said that it is a great intelligence.
The ancient people who lived near the forests were aware of this, therefore there are often references to the "whisper" or songs of trees.
About 170,000 pencils can be made from a normal-sized tree. A single tree can produce 118 kilograms of oxygen in a year, enough for a family of 4 people. A single tree can absorb in a year all the carbon that a car emits over a distance of 8,500 miles.
Selected trees thank you for recognizing our positive attitude and accepting us as a part of your surroundings. Through interaction with you I have learned much of your wisdom, including from .the spirits that dwell within you.
Thank you that you exist and do not hold grudges for the sufferings you have had over time. We thank you for the fresh gifts you offer us and we ask you to be with us and almost everywhere, to take our confessions to all worlds together with your confessions, because each family tree of each and every one of us, produced some lemons, olives, a few nuts, a few apples, etc. Thank you and forgive us for everything!

Our living beings, you may have left our eyes, but you have never left our hearts.
The second largest kingdom, after the animal, is represented by plants. The distinctive feature of plants is obtaining energy from sunlight, through the process called photosynthesis. Most plants have wide flat surfaces - the leaves, at the level of which this process is carried out. Just as there are many groups of animals, from simple worms to complicated mammals, so the groups of plants are also numerous and varied.
Mainly plants are divided into two broad categories – simple plants without flowers, and flowering plants.
Plants never seem to be active. But inside the millions of microscopic cells that form the body of a plant, thousands of chemical transformations take place, forming part of the body's vital processes. Like the body of an animal, the body of a plant has specialized areas to perform certain functions. Roots take from the soil water, mineral salts and other substances necessary for life. The rigid stem supports parts of the plant on the surface of the soil, away from animals on the ground that might eat them, and above other plants so that the leaves capture more light.
The leaves of plants are a kind of small factories that produce food with the help of light. They have a wide surface, to capture as much light as possible, and contain inside a green substance called chlorophyll, which absorbs the energy provided by sunlight. Chlorophyll uses energy to achieve a chemical reaction. Water, absorbed from the soil, and carbon dioxide, received from the air, unite and form glucose, which contains a large amount of energy stored in chemical form. Glucose is then used as a" fuel " for the plant's vital processes. The whole phenomenon is called photosynthesis-a word that means"to produce with the help of light".
The carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis is taken from the air. It penetrates the leaf through small holes located on its lower face, called the stomata. In addition to organic substances, photosynthesis also results in oxygen, which is eliminated in the air.
Living beings need oxygen to live. Plants contribute to maintaining a sufficient amount of oxygen in the air.
We were only able to offer you a small space and positioned on the north-west side of the building, even if it was against our wishes. However, we lived together for a shorter or longer period of time. Thank you for this and for all you have offered. We hope that many wounds can be healed with these words: Forgive us!
Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is but a horizon; and a horizon is nothing but the limit of our sight. - Rossiter W. Raymond

Fish, these aquatic beings, with diverse shapes and colors, constitute a vital component of our ecosystem, but also an invaluable source of inspiration for culture, art and spirituality.
Whether you are an aquarist enthusiast, an avid diver or simply a nature lover, discovering the world of Fish offers you the prospect of a journey into a special universe.
It was worth diving into their world and exploring the secrets of this underwater life.
Aquarium fish are popular animals that can be found in many homes around the world. They are attractive, relaxing animals and can be easily cared for.
There is a wide variety of aquarium fish species available, each with its specific needs. Some species are more suitable for beginners, while others require more experience and care.
Before purchasing an aquarium, we considered how large it will be and what species of fish will be kept in it. It is also important to consider the environmental conditions for each species of fish.
Some fish need warm water, while others need cold water. Also, some fish need a lot of light, while others need darkness or shadow areas in the aquarium.
Caring for aquarium fish includes changing water regularly, cleaning the aquarium and feeding the fish.
Aquarium fish are wonderful animals that can bring a sense of tranquility and relaxation to any home. With proper care, they can be joyful and active for years.
The fish species that we had and went one by one for various reasons are: anci, zebra (Danio rerio), silver cory, otto, pompom goldfish, balantiocheilos melanopterus or white shark, dwarf catfish, platydoras costatus, neon tetra, poecilia sphenops, tetra, hoplo, gurami, guppy, betta splendens etc.
An aquarium is filled with fish of all varieties, because they are considered lucky talismans when they are pets.
Thank you and we are sorry that you left us regardless of the causes!

Memories that time does not erase
The sun, the moon, the wind, the stars will always be around, recalling the love they shared and the peace they finally found after leaving the torment.
We've been begging for birds
And he gave us each
One feather at a time.
One tall eagle,
A red one from the bird of paradise,
One green from hummingbirds,
One yellow one from pigeons,
Blue one from nymphs
A chatty one from the parakeets,
One singer from singing parrots,
The cowardly one from the ostrich
Oh, what wings we made!
We took them to heart
And we started flying.
High Eagle Flight,
Red flight of paradise bird,
Green flight of hummingbirds,
Yellow pigeon flight,
Blue flight of nymph,
Chatty flight of the parakeet,
Flight singer parrot singer,
Cowardly flight of ostrich
Oh, I flew!
Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of the lost pours out and shines upon us to make us know that they are happy. Our hearts cry asking for your forgiveness!

In memory of our beloved Titilica

A room without books is like a body without a soul. - Cicero

It is said that unlike animals, man is an eternal being; this means that his existence never ends, even after the death of the body (Luke 16:19-31). An imperishable body will rise from a perishing one. (1 Cor 15: 42).
Then why does it hurt so much both physically and mentally that you left us the precious being?
Although the creator of all was God, and he had every right to name the animals, yet it happens differently: "and the Lord God, who had made out of the Earth all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air, brought them to Adam, to see how he would call them; so that all living beings should be called as Adam would call them. And Adam named all the animals and all the birds of the sky and all the Wild Beasts”.
Humanity is responsible for animals and has a duty to avoid the two possible extremes: treating animals savagely or considering them as "non-human persons". I do not believe that animal instinct and reflex are sufficient to define a being, in the sense of the psyche. That is why your name will remain written in eternity for what you have done for those and those of your species who have known you and who have also received a name, as well as for us.
Your name bears in its structure the name Gefion which means"giver". Gefion is an ancient Norse goddess associated with prosperity, abundance and fertility.
One of your most important qualities is soul beauty. This is doubled by the physical one, the two accentuating each other, even if you have a disease on your feet acquired from hatred.
You are among the best souls who have swallowed pain without passing it on, without making others feel it in turn.
Beauty is a trait that characterizes both complex things and those that are clear and easy to understand. Thus, it is present in every thing or being that exists. However, the simplicity of your actions and gestures is the trait that makes you even more beautiful in our eyes. We miss you, your kisses, your one-man gang...
You were, are and will remain a blessing to us, because being with us, you knew how to react to our states. A free spirit, a gentle heart and a kind soul is all you have been, are and will remain for this world. All the quotes below fit your beloved being.
To us you are an immortal being because you live forever in our memory, in our souls, that which resists time (glorifying, glorifying, singing).
According to some beliefs, animal spirits are embodied in us throughout our entire lives.
In the religion of the Native American Indians, the spirit of a certain animal enters the soul of a man at the very moment of his birth. His duty is to watch over the person in whom he lives, to give him the strength and wisdom that characterize him.
Thank you for all this beloved being.

Qoto Mastodon

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