Apparently a lot of people haven't heard of herd immunity so here it is:
If you have a group of 10 people, and 1 of them has a compromised immune system (i.e. an autoimmune disorder, or a child), if the 9 people in the group get a vaccine, they protect that 1 person who is in greater danger. That 1 vulnerable person gets immunity by proximity.
Beautiful Peter Elson artwork for the 1976 Arrow Books reprint of 2001 A Space Odyssey
Don't eat the rich. Humans contain a lot of toxins that are harmful to humans, and eating them doubles up on that. Also they contain (obviously enough) human vector diseases that you can catch in a way eating another species you wouldn't necessarily; Compost the rich and use them to grow other crops instead.
“OoTomo” - Art by Michelangelo Miani
I am a Kenyan living in Nairobi, I travel within kenya and Eastern Africa every so often. i look forward to sharing pictures of my travels whenever i get the chance.