Pinned post

Just want to remind our users at that Advertising is the one of the only things that'll get you instantly banned here. I've had a lot of advertisers come through, so, fair warning! If I see it, you're on your way out the door!

Love Dave, one of your friendly Mods. <3

Pinned post

Something random-

I've been reading up on ancient Canaanite religion recently, and it is a very interesting subject. Particularly when you look at it as the precursor religion to what would eventually become Judaism.

A lot of the god names are maintained in Hebrew- which is, itself, a Canaanite language- the only living (Although you could say resurrected) Canaanite language. Yam (long A, Yaam) for instance is one that is super easy to spot because the word, in Hebrew, for ocean is still yam.

It's a very interesting thing to study for me, as a Jewish person and a secular Zionist who ascribes to the notion that the Jewish people are the aboriginal people to the region of the world I've chosen to make my home.

However, from a history standpoint it's particularly interesting to see where my culture and the religion associated with said culture came from and evolved from.

Pinned post

@freemo Hi, Freemo! Great to be here, thank you.

I'm just a dude living a life in Tel Aviv. I'm no expert when it comes to STEM, and certainly not professionally educated in any such field but I am certainly a fan.

Outside of my interest in general knowledge, I'm into gaming, table top role playing, and have been a member of the telnet based Mu* (Mush/Mud/Mux) online Roleplaying communities for just about two decades now.

I'm big into discussing different topcs, always happy to learn something new, and share my own personal experiences and knowledge with any and everyone.

Just wanted everyone to know that effective immediately I'll be stepping down as a Mod at QOTO.

I'm really just not enjoying it, and I've found I'd much rather be on Fedi doing silly stuff.

Qoto is my first instance, and I've always liked it here. I hope everyone continues to love QOTO and the community continues to grow.

So long, and thanks for all the Fish. :)

DaveTLV boosted

Progress, albeit slow because of the holidays, continues to be made on Civiq.Social.

Look for a small update before the end of the new year to handle some bugs.

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
calling TERFs Nazis is extremely offensive because many TERFs are Jewish

Also TERFs:
Zionists are Nazis
DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted

Hello! I'm new to Mastodon. I like to paint, get distracted easily, and hang out at cafe's!

WOAH. Even FRANCE is calling Anti-Zionism a form of Antisemitism. Wooooow.

DaveTLV boosted

The 1971 Bedknobs and Broomsticks movie was my SHIT as a kid.. Havent watched it in years.. im diving in!

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
dog wisdom says that good snacks come out of noisy bags.
DaveTLV boosted

My gender is tired.
I identify as perpetually exhausted.

DaveTLV boosted is undergoing an upgrade, please stand by.

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted

It is nice to know that grilled tomatoes exist.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.