I just dreamed that I was in a rural A frame church on a field. I was an imposter in the church but the other people there did not know that. The church had two rooms, a small entry area and then the main chapel. In the small entry area there was an elaborate font of holy water. It was a large, round thing made out of colored marble. It had a round standing area with a narrow stem in the middle that supported a bowl at about waste height. The bowl ridges in it, like an ear, and some sort of object I can't remember but was some sort of focal point of attention. When I stood on it, I felt a heartbeat. People were praying to it for favors with a mildly concerned tone. While I was standing on it black water started filling the bowl. I felt it was because it detected I was an imposter. I stepped away from and the people in the church started to panic. A strange, black smoky tendril appeared in the church and started weaving in between the people. I fled but looked back when I heard screams. There was a swarm of bees over the people in the chapel and the bees would group together into larger bees and then swoop down on people. If they struck a persons head that persons head would explode into more bees. I ran away with a crowd of people and at first it was manic and many people got bee exploded, but then we got further and it wasn't to bad. There were some people playing soccer that started to run with us while laughing. Then we got to a garden and the garden had bees. These bees were just normal bees though and one got stuck in my shirt collar which caused me to freak out and wake up.