Drug Discovery Axiom 1: there are no panaceas in drug discovery, only tools in the toolbox.
At any given moment, there will be a parade of true believers, backed with gobs of VC funds, who are hyping the Next Thing as a panacea. It won’t be — it’ll be a useful tool, among many.
PS - the lack of easy ability to add GIFs in Mastodon is a major, major negative for my communication style. This post is half of what it could be with the GIF I added on Twitter. Should be client-native.
@KRHornberger hopefully the GIF-issue will be fixed soon. Otherwise I assume that there won‘t be a „tootorial“ equivalent of your awesome tweetorials over here…would be sad.
@danielr1 I hope so! My experience so far has been very much that you get what you pay for. 😉
@marcoradi @danielr1 omg how? Are you using a specific client?
@KRHornberger @danielr1
Yes (Android smartphone Vs iPhone, 1:0) but you can use MetaText app on iPhone
@marcoradi @danielr1 thanks! Will check this out