Hi all, my piece critiquing Graham Hancock's #AncientApocalypse has just been published in The Conversation
Give it a read and a toot!
We have an exceptional opportunity at our center for a new group leader at VIB in Leuven. We are looking for a new colleague who wants to use computational methods to investigate molecular and/or cellular aspects of neurobiology. This position not only comes with substantial and renewable core funding and start-up package, but it is also linked to a tenure track position at KU Leuven.
More information on our center can be found on our website https://cbd.sites.vib.be/en.
Remember, on Mastodon you can also follow hashtags just like you follow people!
Here some active archaeology-related hashtags we've seen here on https://archaeo.social:
#Archaeology #Anthropology #DigitalArchaeology #DigitalHumanities #ScienceMastodon #Neolithic #BronzeAge #Hillfort #MaterialCulture #Classics #OpenSource #OpenData #Rchaeology #GISDay #FotoMontag #TombTuesday #HillfortsWednesday #ThinSectionThursday #ThrowbackThursday #FolkloreThursday #FossilFriday #StandingStoneSunday
#WomenInScience are recommended to 'not apologize a lot'.
A lot of issues would resolve themselves if #MenInScience apologized for their mistakes more.
Recognizing that you made a mistake, or that you don't know something, or behaved in a poor fashion and apologizing is not a problem. It tells me that you have the critical capability to introspect and understand what impact you have on others. It tells me that you care about doing #science right, that you want to learn.
It may look a sand-duney-mess but that's our 2019 team aiming for the bottom of a 4m-thick mudbrick fortification wall #fieldworkfriday #neoassyrian #AncientNearEast #ashdodyam
So I guess it's time for a re-#introduction in English + Picture!
#Hello ! I’m Pablo from #Galicia. I currently live in #Barcelona , where I am researching in the #UB a #PhD in #conflictarchaeology during the #napoleonicera. I can define myself as #archaeologist & #historian
My purpose on #Mastodon is share my research on #battlefieldarchaeology . Also, I like #historicalreenactment and #militaryhistory.
I toot in #spanish & #english
PS: Let me know about some good people here on Mastodon!
Basically, instead of QTing something, on Mastodon it's possible to reply to a post and then boost your reply.
That way, the visibility is the same as a Quote would have been, but with the interesting property that the OP doesn't get silenced/steamrolled, but the original post is still easily visible. More conversational, less adversarial.
For the #horseshoe experts out there. Could this be a #mule or #donkey shoe? c. 1930s #neareasternarchaeology #earlymodern #history #fediverse (Photo source: me)
So, I'd like to thank all the sighted people here on mastidon who take the time to describe pictures to us blindies. Most people on other social media sites wouldn't do that. I appreciate it so much #ThankYouForHavingPatience #ThisIsSoAwesome
#Archaeology people on Mastodon! Other academic/professional communities are making lists to help find each other, so here's ours.
Add your name to the spreadsheet if you wish
Thanks clmorgan@archaeo.social for creating this list.
#Darmstadt artists Spraywatz, Spraymobil, and Deafman created a magnificent mural for #stopbombingcivilians #fediverse
Upcoming Events
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2022 at 12:10 PST
Social Inequality: Perspectives from Peru's late Early Horizon (400-200 BCE) and Present Day Archaeological Practice
Speaker: Jordi Rivera Prince, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville
This talk will take place on Zoom only. Registration is required. Register here: https://bit.ly/ARFtalks-2022
The Nile and the flood plaines of Egypt contained rich aquatic resources- it is no surprise that fish were frequently depicted in art already from prehistoric times. A swarm of Predynastic stone fish and fishing gear, KHM Vienna. #archaeology #museum #history
archaeo.social news
https://archaeo.social has been updated to Mastodon v4.0.2, bringing the ability to follow hashtags, translate posts, edit posts, and a looong list of neat changes: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v4.0.0 #ArchaeoSocialNews #ArchaeoSocialMeta
In his new Netflix “documentary” #AncientApocalypse, Graham Hancock has declared war on archaeologists
His rhetoric sows distrust in experts, and #Atlantis conspiracy theories promote white supremacy
Buckle up, it’s time for a full-throated #ARCHAEOLOGY THREAD 🧵
We're looking for academics/PhD students who've recently migrated from Twitter to Mastodon, are currently doing so, considering it, or who don't intend to. We're interested in finding out about people’s opinions on migration & the differences between Twitter & Mastodon. If you wish to take part in our online focus group, please complete our initial survey https://lancasteruni.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_enXPA3rLdSdJsCG, which also includes further information about the research. Please boost! 🔁
Last year I had a reviewer who threw a BIG wobbly over a paper. He took major exception to me saying that a particular snaffle was in no way Iron Age, that it was Germanic and early med. He insisted was IA , all his way.
I had to pull the paper from that journal because I knew he was wrong - everything he wanted changed was wrong.
Today a colleague left me some books on Merovingian burials , and lo and behold - there was the distinctive style of snaffle. Feeling smug as a bug riding on a slug ;
One of the rarer pottery types: a 15th/16th century CE ceramic grenade. It would have contained a black-powder load and was thrown by hand, flings or catapults after lighting a slow burning fuse. Virgilkapelle, Vienna. #archaeology #museum #history
A bit confused by all this but here goes! I post about #archaeology #experimentalarchaeology #heritageeducation #traditionalcrafts #hedgebothering and ok, #tea and #cats occasionally.
Currently finishing an experimental archaeology MSc at #exeteruni.
Err, that'll do for now, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it sometime soon.
There is rumoured to be one Eurasian #otter for every mile of coastline here on #Mull so that adds up to over 300 otters.
That said, they are still difficult to see at times, and usually demand good field-craft to get close to.
I have enjoyed numerous fantastic encounters with otters over the years, on workshops with clients, alone and in this case, with a friend.
It was #octopus for lunch for this female otter.
Archaeologist, metals specialist. From rusty nails to golden bronzes - no object turned away (researcher at TU Darmstadt).