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Mayah CS boosted

Hi, I'm Meir. I decided to come here so I can express my feelings towards this certain guy. I'm quite frustrated about my situation, so if you allow it, then I might be posting poems and short writings and pictures of him. Looking forward to my days here :)

Mayah CS boosted
Mayah CS boosted

(First of all excuse me for my english level, I'm from Spain and I'm learning yet)

Hello people, you can call me Osiris or Demon as you want.

I'm interested in cyber security and hacking accounts.
I'm looking for someone for share knowledges, preferably spanish or english speakers.

Mayah CS boosted

Hi, my curiosity brought me here. I'm still a bit confused but I sense this is gonna be interesting in the long run. I'm nice follow me I follow back

Mayah CS boosted

😊 Hello, I'm Weff Dave and I'm here looking for a space less toxic for ideas, where people can talk like human, as twitter was some time ago. Long live Mastodon!

Mayah CS boosted
Mayah CS boosted

Words ought to be a little wild because they are the assault of thought on the unthinking.

Mayah CS boosted
Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.