Why do people love their pets so much?
Whatever you love is the center of a paradise. - Novalis
Most people love animals and treat their pets as valuable family members. Pets provide companionship, bring joy to our lives, give us affection and share our homes, our food and our lives, and we do everything we can to ensure their well-being and happiness.
Only humans can bond so closely with members of other species and make animals part of their family. Pets are embedded in many human cultures. We give birds, cats and dogs names of people, buy them toys and other gifts, dress them for the holidays, talk to them as if they were human beings, and grieve when they die.
Owning a pet is exciting, but it comes with many responsibilities. It's not just a time commitment – it's also a financial one and can be expensive. So it might seem strange, especially, if you consider that grooming often goes one way, because you can't really expect the pet in the family to give you something material in return. So why are we doing this?
Pets are kept for the pleasure that they could give their masters, and often this pleasure is mutual. This is, for example, the case with birds, dogs, cats and horses. Therefore, keeping a pet can be described as a symbiotic relationship that is beneficial for both human beings and animals.
Humans have kept pets since prehistoric times, and pets can be found in almost all cultures and societies, so it seems that humans do it to satisfy a universal human need.
Relationships between owners and pets are based on companionship and affection. Pets have an emotional attachment to their masters and other family members. They evolved to be in tune with our emotions and behavior.
Dogs are able to read the body language of their owners and react to it faster than humans. They change facial expressions when people are paying attention. Dogs can also understand many words and interpret the tone of voice.
We ask forgiveness and hope that at another juncture time will be our ally and no one and nothing will separate us, as they did in this existence with you, our dogs!

The earth laughs through flowers and trees-curiosities (our trees)
"In a forest of one hundred thousand trees, no two leaves are the same. And there are no two journeys on the same path."- Paulo Coelho
Trees are some of the oldest and longest-living organisms on earth. The trees are very strong. A small bud is quite capable of making its way even through thick and durable asphalt.
Of the more than 60,000 known tree species, more than half are endemic, that is, they are found in one place. Brazil, Colombia and Indonesia have the most tree species.
It is estimated that there are now more than 46% fewer trees than at the beginning of human civilization.
Trees retain carbon from the atmosphere, become homes for birds and wildlife, and can even improve our mental state. Medical studies have shown that a person walking through the forest slows down his pulse and evens out his heartbeat.
Trees "migrate" to escape climate change, they keep the air clean, reduce noise levels, improve water quality, prevent soil erosion, provide food and building material, shade, etc.
Trees help cool cities because they not only give us shade, but they can also mitigate extreme temperatures by sweating: they absorb solar radiation and release water into the air through the leaves.
Evaporation of moisture through the leaves and shade of trees reduce the annual expenditure on cooling rooms.
A tree produces about 113 kilograms of oxygen per year. This means that two mature trees can produce enough oxygen to cover the annual oxygen needs for a family of four. Trees of different species produce different amounts of oxygen. Trees really reduce the greenhouse effect, the main reason for which is the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Trees receive 8-10 times more nutrients from the atmosphere than from the soil.
Trees extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and are therefore crucial in air purification. They can also use their leaves to filter out toxic particles and gases in the air, such as nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
A tree can absorb per year an amount of carbon dioxide equal to the amount produced by an automobile as a result of traveling 41.8 thousand kilometers. During its lifetime, a tree can absorb a ton of carbon dioxide.
Trees can reduce our stress levels and help us feel happier and healthier.
Trees can "talk" to each other and send danger signals to each other when attacked.
Trees cannot flee if their leaves are devoured by a hungry herbivore. Instead, it releases chemicals – volatile organic compounds – to warn members of the same species that there is a threat in the area.
When besieged by insects or parasites, some plant species, among which are Apple, tomato and cucumber, release into the air compounds to which the predators of their attackers are attracted.
The average life span of trees within the city range is only 8 years. The maximum life span of trees in nature is: Apple - up to 200 years, pear – up to 300 years, European pine – 500 years, Oak – 1000 years, Juniper – up to 1500 years.
It takes an average of a quarter of a million trees to produce a million tons of paper. For the production of an A4 sheet, an average of 15-20 grams of wood is required.
To save a single tree from felling, it takes recycling about 80 kg of waste paper.
No photo could truly capture the greatness of the tallest trees in the world: sequoia. The tallest specimen is called the Hyperion and is 115.85 meters; it is taller than Big Ben or the Statue of Liberty.
In California there is another amazing sequoia tree: General Sherman, considered the tree with the largest volume. It stretches to 83.8 meters in height and is 7.7 meters in diameter.
The oldest tree is in California National Park. He is called the eternal God, and according to estimates of scientists, this tree is 12 thousand years old, although some claim it is only 7,000 years old.
The award for the thickest tree trunk in the world is won by Arbol del Tule, a Montezuma cypress in the mexican state of Oaxaca. The diameter is 11.6 meters and the circumference is 42 meters,
So we have chosen to live with gratitude for your love our trees, which fill our hearts, for the peace that rests in our spirits and souls, and The Voice of hope that says that all things are possible and we hope you will accompany us everywhere..
A forest of you, our trees, is too much of a spectacle for a man to see. Thank you and please forgive us for all the evils done to you over time by us and the species to which we belong.

Are plants not the stars of the Earth?
Plants meditate all the time. Because they simply give up on themselves and accept the sun's rays and raindrops. Contemplate the rainbow. I feel the joy of the wind and the feelings that the Earth sends. - Arjun Das
Plants are part of the Plantae Kingdom. The kingdoms, in turn, were divided into smaller and smaller units as: branch, Class, Order, family, genus, species. In addition to these, in some cases, intermediate systematic units, such as sub-branch, superclass, etc.the name of plant species, like the name of other species of organisms, is made using binary nomenclature.
Mainly plants are divided into two broad categories – simple plants without flowers, and flowering plants.
Plants without flowers
The simplest plants without flowers are algae. Almost all species of algae live in water, but there are also a few that can survive in damp places, for example, the pleurococcus alga, which grows like a greenish powder on the shady trunks of trees. Most of the plants that live in the waters of the seas and oceans are algae, as are some of those in fresh waters, such as Frog silk. Algae do not have true roots, stem and leaves, although they may have segments that resemble stems and leaves. They absorb water and mineral salts through the entire surface of the body.
Some plants reproduce by spores-very small, dust-like grains, from which new plants develop. Conifers, also called gymnosperms, reproduce by seeds. They form inside hard structures, formed by scales, called cones. Firs, spruces, pines, Larches and cypresses are conifers.
All coniferous species are trees or shrubs. Most of them have long narrow leaves (needles) that do not fall off in autumn.
Flowering plants
Flowering plants are known as angiosperms. Flowers are parts of the plant specialized for reproduction. They produce seeds, which, when hit under favorable conditions, sprout and form a new plant. Flowering plants are the dominant group of plants everywhere on Earth, except for algae in the seas and oceans and coniferous forests in cold areas of the globe. Among the flowering plants are all species of grasses, Reed, rushes, garden flowers and wildflowers, along with most trees and shrubs (except conifers). There are 260,000 different species of flowering plants, compared to 550 species of conifers, 11,000 Ferns, 23,000 mosses and about 12,000 species of algae.
Tuberoses are flowers with impressive beauty and fragrance, which makes them one of the most popular decorative flowers in the world. In addition, these flowers are also known for their beneficial properties for health.
Tuberoses are a rich source of important nutrients for health. They contain a multitude of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which help maintain and improve our health. Among the benefits of eating tuberose are: improving digestion, reducing inflammation, regulating blood sugar levels, strengthening the immune system and reducing the risk of heart disease. Also, tuberoses are a good source of fiber, which makes them beneficial for maintaining the health of the intestinal tract.
In conclusion, regular consumption of tuberose can bring numerous benefits to our health and can be successfully included in our daily diet.
Gene expression is the process in which a plant's DNA code is translated into instructions for biological processes such as growth. Our plants, including tuberoses kept in an environment without sunlight, responded to sound waves. At 125Hz and 250Hz sounds rbcS and Ald genes are created, which are known for responding to light, while more active sound waves at 50Hz made these genes less active.
So wherever we are our flowers are a friend that we can visit at any time. Thank you we are grateful/grateful and we apologize! Even the smallest and smallest plants can have some of the strongest roots.

In memory of our beloved Titilica

A gentle soul gone among us,
We look with nostalgia in memory,
We are poorer, sadder, more empty,
In my heart, we carry his love.

Unconditional love is the most powerful force in the universe, and none of it means weakness or helplessness, because it is three-dimensional energy and should not be confused with the emotion of love.

The word "Love" represents energy . It therefore obeys all the nuances, doubts and fears that are part of our 3D world. in emotional love, we can be weak and vulnerable, insecure and confused.
Emotions have their origins in the past-we love according to what we have experienced in our lives, with the emotional DNA, with the history and dynamics of the soul group. Emotional love is conditioned and doubtful, unconditional love is not.
If we think of your unconditional love as similar to the air we breathe, it becomes much easier to understand and approach. Air is everywhere, it is essential for life, used by everyone and freely available to everyone. Do not judge, condemn, limit or criticize. He blesses and nurtures life without asking any questions. We can connect to the air or not, it's our choice, just as others can connect to us or not, or we to them – everything is a choice. But when we consciously pay attention to being with this vibration, we always attract the highest aspects of the third dimension, because they are at this level of vibration.

With you, Titilica, we have reached the level of unconditional love by being at our highest vibration.
With each inspiration, we receive your unconditional love, and with each exhalation, we share it with the world, because when love passes through the vibrational field, it blesses and uplifts us. Being aware of this vibration, we attracted at the same time all the emotional love we wanted.

Your unconditional love is the only thing in the entire universe that could truly help us experience the joy, freedom, acceptance and peace we wanted.

We love you and forgive us!

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