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If you're at #RubyConf and see someone using Twitter, why not nudge them towards :ruby: 🙏 😆

I often am asked by people fleeing anti-trans states, "where should I move to?"

I created the anti-trans legislative risk map to help answer that question.

I am releasing my first post-election legislative risk map today. Subscribe to support my work.

Article: Atheists are sometimes more religious than Christians 

This article from 2018 piqued my interest as we enter #Advent.

TLDR: Religiosity and organized religion are decoupling, and even atheist Americans tend to demonstrate more religious activities or beliefs than European Christians. This makes measuring religious adherence and affiliation difficult.

During Power Up Week, your donation will give twice the support for EFF initiatives such as:
🚔 Exposing dangerous police surveillance tech
🔦 Shining light on the harms of the data broker industry
🧑‍💻 Fighting major ISPs' attempts to undermine net neutrality

“We find what we are looking for. If we are looking for life and love and openness and growth, we are likely to find them. If we are looking for witchcraft and evil, we’ll likely find them... get taken over by them.”

Madeleine L'Engle, born OTD in 1918

Y'all listening?

Y'all as a second-person plural pronoun is not just “the quintessential Southern pronoun.” A linguist has found uses going back to a 1631 in England, hundreds of years before the more recent usages cited by the Oxford English Dictionary.

And its inclusiveness is also gaining new respect, you hear?

#pronouns #YAll #LanguageMastodon #Etymology #words

☀️ This morning’s must read co-authored by Lisa Tucker

“The Supreme Court is increasingly setting aside legally significant decisions from the lower courts as if they had never happened, invalidating them in brief procedural orders. The pace of these actions has increased in the past 22 months, neutralizing important civil rights and civil liberties decisions.”

Especially our peeps from Trek Twitter seem to be having trouble finding others from other servers, so how about we make this a #StarTrek roll call post, where everybody reply with a 🖖🏻 or something similar, so others can see and find you. And please make sure to boost the heck out of this.

Elf on a Shelf? Nah, this is better!
Only in Canada! 😆

Interesting report by Sysdig on malicious resources on DockerHub and related #supplychain attacks. Useful for thinking about #SBOM and related transparency efforts.

(h/t @campuscodi and the @riskybusiness News podcast)

@anildash Fastly edge as a (minimum viable) edge platform for fedi could be fun, especially paired with some edge database platform like planet scale

@anildash CDN would be nice for caching/serving assets from a VPS or S3.

DDoS protection could be good. Cloudflare offers it but there are some critics in the fediverse around their business practices so an alternative would be great.

Thanks for collecting feedback around this!

I know a good number of Masto admins and moderators follow me here, as we get Fastly’s Fast Forward program up & running (designed to support open source & the good internet), what would you ideally like to see as support for the fediverse from Fastly? CDN services, the edge compute platform, security protection, etc.?

I despair about how many talented people are using Substack when we know exactly where that whole mess is headed.

Unfortunately I have to stop actively working on #Metatext for a while due to health issues. I really wish I could implement Mastodon 4 features and squash every bug, but it's not possible for me to do so right now.

I know the app has become important to a lot people, so I'm open to a new maintainer who can carry on its values of privacy and accessibility taking it over if there's interest and a fit. Email if you (or your organization) are interested

We need a well-organized civilian defense force to combat #psyops.

Have you seen the Viola Desmond interactive monument on Gottingen St?

Female Northern Cardinal, taken earlier today, under a beautiful Fall day. As always, female Cardinals look so elegant. #birdwatching #birds #nature #birdphotography #wildlife #ottawa

Hey friends! is now open for signups 🎉🇨🇦❤️

@andrew and I built it as a hosted-in-Canada, capital-region-focused (but open to all Canadians) instance.

Please boost so folks can find us! 👀

#fediverse #twittermigration #canada #ontario #ottawa #canpoli

“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way… As a man is, so he sees.”

On Blake's birthday, his most beautiful letter – a classic defense of the creative spirit

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.