Not knowing something is not something one should be proud of. This applies equally to things like maths, physics or regexes.
If you're a programmer, knowing basic regexp should be assumed. Don't be like the people who go "I don't know how to estimate 10% of some number. ha ha, maths is hard"
Clarification: I'm not saying it's wrong to not know something. I'm saying that don't be proud of the fact that you refuse to learn it.
@modrobert not really. There are some things everybody should know. Like people in general should be able to compute 10% of some amount. A programmer should know the basics of how computers work, and indeed regexp is one of those things.
Now, not everybody knows everything. I certainly don't know how to write Ruby code for example. However, I don't run around being proud of that fact.
I don't mind anyone preferring vim over Emacs. That's their choice. But even if they do, they shouldn't be proud of their ignorance.
The original message I sub-tooted was such an expression of pride.