Malicious compliance. I think I like the sound of that. Need to think on what that would look like.

“Too many organizations spend effort building beautiful DORA dashboards that no one looks at.”

In listening to Joseph Pelrine describe effective estimation techniques at #CraftConf, I'm left even more strongly believing that the vast majority of software projects are absolutely wasting energy trying to do this better.

Eventually, maybe. Now, no. I believe you'll benefit more by focusing on the flow of value first. In the meantime, use budgets instead of trying to estimate costs.

At the first ALE conference, I – the sole USAnian attendee – listened to many stories about the annoyance of working for BigCos. It boiled over at the final lightning talk, where I complained about their complaining and said, “Quit! Start a company! In the USA, going independent is a huge risk because you’ll lose your health care. You have guaranteed health care! Use it!”

I’m pleased that two people later contacted me and said my talk nudged them toward doing just that.

The American tech scene would explode in a second Renaissance if the US got basic universal health care as a public right.

What if instead of following a liquids only diet the day before a colonoscopy, you could eat rice, fish, plain yogurt and much more?

Turns out you can:

"A low-residue diet, one that is heavy on starch and protein and free of vegetables, is just as effective, and much less difficult to endure, than a diet restricted to clear liquids all day. (I have seen corn and seeds many times during a colonoscopy, but I have never seen a piece of chicken!)

A pre-colonoscopy diet that includes solid foods is safe and effective, and there are abundant data to prove it."

So, when someone asks a question, answer it sincerely without comment or judgement about what they should or should not know.

Making people feel bad for asking a question means they will ask less questions and thus they can't learn and grow.

If you've had a similar experience, please consider signal boosting this thread so we can normalize asking and answering questions without judgement. Thank you.

Does anyone else think “Prompt Engineering” comes across like “learning how to how work around the ways that LLMs actually aren't intelligent”?

Mind you, I _do_ see value in that skill set. It just feels weird to declare a new form of engineering around it.

"Waterfall is safer" is essentially the joke "It's not broken if you don't check"

Hello, front-end developers. Here's your infrequent reminder to make websites that also work on browsers NOT Google Chrome.

Forcing anyone to use Google's glorified spyware is not cool.


"I'll take TRADITIONAL EDUCATION for 200, please."

"And the answer is: 'A school assignment to list the major themes of each chapter in a classic novel'"

"Ah, what is, 'What's a reliable way to destroy students' interest in literature?'"


From the Complaining From a Place of Privilege file:

Apple Vision Pro needs a setting for “do not register taps from a hand which is petting and scratching a lap pet”.

MSP folks: is US Internet down? My fiber service has been really spotty all morning.

If I hadn't deliberately put a failing test into my pull request, I would never have noticed that the CI wasn't running my tests.

Never trust a test you haven't seen fail ... in *all* environments.

git blame, but it tells you who reviewed the code instead

Long weekend in NYC went quickly. Now in my seat, back at LGA, waiting to fly home to MSP. Had a GREAT time.

Super-lovely to see @schmonz in person for the first time in years—and all his kiddos for the first time ever. ❤️

Hello, LGA. Wheels down, and looking forward to a long weekend in NYC.

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