RT @sheacshl This newly posted work from @RJordan and Georg Keller looks super cool! Locus coeruleus responds with a widely broadcast visual feedback prediction error that acts as a teaching signal for sensorimotor learning. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2022/11/09/2022.11.08.515698
There may actually be some hope for this place. @kt_so_it_goes is here.
A lovely poem linking smell and memory (a scientific interest for me) by Fatima Asghar (can't find her on Masto, but here's her linktree https://linktr.ee/asgharthegrouch)
A quick note of something that may be important for people to know: I already noted that DMs here are a bit sketchy security wise, but (THIS IS THE IMPORTANT BIT): if you mention someone else's account in a DM, Mastodon, yoinks them into the conversation.
So, you know, if you think you're talking about someone behind their back, you might be doing it to their face.
@meeksandmilds hello to you too sir
Hello Mastodon. I am a neuroscientist and PI at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, USA. I have long-standing interests in natural behavior, the neural circuitry of auditory and olfactory communication in mice and birds, neuromodulation, and neurodevelopmental disorders. I am skeptical of some aspects of this platform, but I am keeping an open mind. @sheacshl on Twitter.
Hello Mastodon. I am a neuroscientist and PI at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, USA. I have long-standing interests in natural behavior, the neural circuitry of auditory and olfactory communication in mice and birds, neuromodulation, and neurodevelopmental disorders. I am skeptical of some aspects of this platform, but I am keeping an open mind. @sheacshl on Twitter.
PI at CSHL. Olfaction, audition, and autism. @sheacshl on Twitter.