@ramsey l turbo pascal, delphi, kdevelop, vim, acme, emacs.
I'll be posting a series of posts showing the lifecycle of different berries.
Today, I'm starting with the blackberry. I hope you enjoy it!
#nature #life #photography #amazing #blackberry #fruits #berries #photo #photos #beautiful
@ramin_hal9001 I had a pedal on C-g
@minoru As I began with fortran my definition of "navie" and "clever" seems to be the opposite with that one of yours.
#emacs #mastodonel Almost done with my revamped mastodon layout. Code at
https://codeberg.org/rougier/mastodon.el/src/branch/alt-timeline/lisp/mastodon-alt-tl.el (pull request ongoing)
@rayslava Алсо лайк за патченный терминус.
@rayslava Самое обидное что скорингу не за что уцепиться чтобы такое отсеить.
@bmzimmermann Hm, since you're new, I put evil in quotes as a joke, but it's how vim-like key and interface mode for emacs is called, evil-mode. So indeed you can use both at once, and it's quite popular alternative to default emacs accord keybindings.
@bmzimmermann Both, I'm that "evil".
@Cara kek
[July 2022] Do you know about #emacs zones? Kinda like screensavers but for your #emacs buffers.
Here's zone rainbow: https://xenodium.com/added-emacs-zone-rainbow
Обнаружилась вот такая милота под #android: https://f-droid.org/packages/com.cax.pmk.ext/
Кто идёт кататься на аэросанях?
@rayslava Yes, it was. Duders on irc suggested to delete dovecot indices and it pulled everything.
added editing of posts, edit notifications, and viewing posts' edit history.
also recently added lists functionality, following of hashtags, and filtered views for notifications. + lots of smaller fixes.
some issues will probably arise, feel free to holler.