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I think metadata is also worthy of protection though.

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"Man accused of creating AI porn marketplace"

That makes it sound as if producing porn is a bad thing (which it isn't)...

For some extras, originally the phrase was an acronym, but I expanded it out for you (as I don't presume that everyone knows every bit of jargon), and added the quotes.

Also, the article attached to it is even more explicit and direct about that relationship language "among minors", and they're also pretty explicit that that is what they mean with the jargon.

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A country where privacy / security experts were routinely brushed aside by people wanting to prop up some sort of Orwellian surveillance state.

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Yup, I just copy-pasted a previous post (and switched out a couple of links and the name, one as I tried to further elaborate in the newer research data post).

The previous post was already fairly good, so no need to draft out a new one, and I don't really want Australian censorship practices to live rent free inside my head.

Looks like the game "ミマモロール!"(1) is being censored by Australia(2), probably because the system was built by freakin puritans (who worry about thin...

Not that I like the censorship parts of this IARC system, but even there, it was really overkill for just keeping some content that might be too mature for the "Teen" rated base game out.

Now, it seems to be polluting this site which should be for tracking actual censorship.

Olives Unfortunately, there is a lot of spam in here now from Fortnite (because som...

Also, the "SEO firm", uh, we have no real way to measure this, uh, our friends over at the SEO firm reckon it might be in this region. But, putting it forward as if it is some sort of hard data. Good grief.

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It was very "there are bad people doing bad things somewhere on the Internet", then they tried to drum it up, and it just blew up in their faces when they tried to cherry-pick tiny numbers as "evidence" of it being some big bad thing.

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It's one of those crud reports where someone pulls some superficial bits of information over some, what appears to be a rare phenomena, then someone else uses it to try to manufacture a panic, but even the language there seems over-blown ("at scale", scale, what scale).

Blowing up a panic over every random spammer or irrelevant site is silly.

And I think what was so stunning, was just how weak their arguments were, and particularly, what points they focused on.

Also, a significant amount of site traffic on the open web comes from bots, that would be one to consider with actual traffic data (which appears to be absent here).

Olives This "report" is a mess. It tries to suggest criminals are oper...

This "report" is a mess.

It tries to suggest criminals are operating at scale but all the evidence presented suggests it is a very small scale operation (and data from elsewhere shows that it is one which is being actively tackled, albeit at times with inappropriate tools with collateral consequences).

It briefly references a gossipy and very likely misleading news article which is actually irrelevant to this particular issue.

It tries to present "thousands of posts" as evidence of an "active website", except a "discussion forum" on the brink of death might have similar numbers, and it's not unusual for individual users (on inactive and non-abusive) websites to have thousands of posts apiece (particularly, the "Admin" account). It's even possible for an admin to pay people to create posts to make their own website appear more appealing to prospective users than competing sites.

And that is in the case of a single site, this report appears to reference as many as a dozen or more, likely further diluting their activity.

It references an "SEO firm" (of questionable repute) as a source of "traffic data". The only issue is that this SEO firm, which specializes in providing dirt on competitors, does not have access to site traffic data. They can only provide estimates.

In any case, even in the case of some genuine activity, this is still very weak material to use for trumped up AI scare pieces. Unfortunately, there is a lot of spam in here now from Fortnite (because someone decided to adopt IARC for something it's not intended for).

Looks like the game "ミマモロール!"(1) is being censored by Australia(2), probably because the system was built by freakin puritans (who worry about things which don't matter(3,4)).

As always, you can write to reps at the territory, state, and federal levels (5) to oppose any and all censorship.






"Following several high-profile data breaches in the past year, the federal government will review laws requiring companies to retain data as part of its new cyber security strategy.

Released on Wednesday, the 2023-30 strategy notes that data is increasingly used for ransom attacks and as a tool for coersion.

“Mishandling of sensitive and critical datasets can cause grave damage to Australia’s national interests,” it says. “Technological advancements have enabled malicious actors to develop vast data profiles on businesses, individuals and officials for intelligence gathering and commercial purposes.”"

"The strategy points out that businesses have voiced concerns that they are required to store substantial amounts of data for excessive periods of time, making them potentially high-value targets for hacking.

This was something raised in the wake of the Optus and Medibank data breaches, where tens of millions of customer records dating back years were exposed, with some then ending up on the dark web."

"Medical testing company Australian Clinical Labs had “serious and systemic failures” that resulted in a cyber-attack that led to more than 200,000 customer health records and credit card details being published on the dark web, the Australian information commissioner has alleged.

In October last year, in the midst of the Medibank and Optus cyber-attacks, Medlab’s parent company, ACL, confirmed it had been the victim of a cyber-attack eight months earlier in February.

The hacker group responsible – known as Quantum – was able to exfiltrate 86GB worth of data, including customer passport information, health information, and credit card details including number, expiry date and CCV."

We thought Superman was invincible but then he bought a smartphone and was overcome by the foul mouth of Trollman.
While I make a drug war reference here, there also seems to be a crossover between people who support mass surveillance... And people who are fond of the War on Drugs...

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